in a horror movie...

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Karma - toys with everyone, clicks his fingers behind Okajima; shoves a mirror im front of Nagisa's face; claps his hands randomly; shuffles his feet to pretend someone is following the squad.

Isogai - knows that ghosts don't exists and encourages everyone to fight off the evil.

Okajima - dies first, not because he's dumb but because everyone agreed to throw him out first if the squad can't escape with the amount of people.

Okano - full of energy that fights of the ghost.

Okuda - would be scientifically intelligent to prove every ghost is a faux.

Kataoka - stands and leads the way, takss care of Okajima and is responsible fof throwing him out.

Kayano - gets scared easily.

Kanzaki - is protected by Sugino.

Kimura - runs first away from the ghosts.

Kurahashi - keeps everyone motivated to live.

Nagisa - gets the most jumps, not even by paranormal activity or ghosts but by Karma.

Sugaya - draws his own version of magic circles, gets beaten up by his classmates for doing so.

Sugino - protects Kanzaki at all cost.

Takebayashi - pisses his pants and does random anime poses when he feels someone touching him.

Chiba - stays at the back of the squad and usually mistaken for the ghost.

Terasaka - breaks the line between ghost and human, pisses off the ghosts more than anyone else.

Nakamura - teases everyone who's scared, acts as Karma's backup if anything happens to him.

Hazama - literally in heaven.

Hayami - acts like she doesn't care and really doesn't.

Hara - doesn't get scared because ghosts and kidnappers don't target her.

Fuwa - the most logical of fighting off ghosts using shounen anime logics.

Maehara - constantly says,"hey, if you think I'm hot then come and haunt me."

Mimura - records everyone screaming and running, laughs and plans to make vinss with the footage.

Muramatsu - complains about the smell of rotten ramen and how much of a disgrace it is.

Yada - white girl scream but it's pkay if Yada does it.

Yoshida - pulls apart the most technological equipments and consoles to see what was wrong with it.

Ristu - shuts off because her cheerfulness can't deal with ghosts.

Itona - insults Terasaka everytime he does something wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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