maehara's attempt in flirting...

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Okano - she beat him up.

Okuda - astonished, but rejected him as they had no chemistry.

Kataoka - he didn't dare.

Kayano - he tried to bribe her with pudding, it didn't work.

Kanzaki - respectful and aware of his intentions so kindly denied.

Kurahashi - a gigantic mosquito flew out of nowhere so Maehara tried to kill it, ended up being beaten up by Kuragashi cause she loved bugs.

Nakamura - teased him back in a playful manner but using his weaknesses.

Hazama - threatened to curse his entire family and future descendants.

Hayami - flat out ignored him.

Hara - he tried to bribe her out on a date to eat hotdogs, she responded with,"just bring me the hotdogs."

Fuwa - used shounen anime puns and jokes as a response because she didn't know what to say.

Yada - cliche white bitchy girl response but it's okay if it's Yada, "uhh, haha, no."

Ristu - respectedly rejected him whilst being cheerful, welp, it'ss Ritsu.

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