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"Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr " was the first sound I heard.It was so loud and annoying that i had to cover my ears to prevent the sound from damaging my eardrum with a pillow , I later came to find out that my efforts were going to waste since the voice was still annoying the shit out of me .

I reluctantly pulled up my head from the pillow and looked at the alarm clock to find out it was 6:30 a.m . " Summer Brooks can you get out of that bed this instant."I heard my Mother scream from downstairs."Hey Munchkin, you look like hell. What happened during the Weekend?"Nothing much Alien , I guess just a little vodka was involved."I grumbled."Just a little ! Are you really sure about that ?"asked Drake,My Annoying Big Brother. " Yeah ,Please  get out now I need to get ready for school.""Alright see yah ." With that he left and banged the door on his way out."Shit BRO!!!!!"

I got up and went to have a bath . I finished up and went into my closet and picked out A Sweatshirt written'Love Yourself',Booty Short and Blue-Gray Vans as the outfit for the day . I decided to be casual  since it was our First Day of the Senior Year. Next was my make-up and hair, for make-up I did abit of blush and eye shadow,for the hair i pulled it up into a messy bun. I did a last minute check of myself in the mirror, Ready to leave I put my phone in my pocket and took my backpack and headed downstairs for breakfast.

'' Good to see you this Morning Summer ,now put 5$ in the jar for that language this morning." I head my Mom say as I enter the kitchen. " But Mom he provoked me ." I said as My Brother entered the kitchen. "I don't care what happened just put it in the jar.""okay but we both put it in."I said defeated since I knew nothing could change my mothers mind on that issue. "Okay Drake put 5$ in the jar." She said and left with a tray of pancakes with a bowls of melted chocolate,maple syrup and whipped cream."Sis really!!""Yeah" My Dad entered the kitchen as he was about to talk back to me."Morning Babygirl, How was your night?"he asked. "It was alright,How about you how was your night?"I asked. "Quiet Amazing I might say"He said winking at someone behind me.I turned around to see My Mom We all went into the dining room laughing and had a very cheerful Breakfast filled with laughter.

"Babygirl lets get going or your going to be late""Thanks Daddy but I have a ride with Kaycee,she is actually waiting for me outside. Love you. Goodbye Mom have an awesome Day." I said as I took my backpack and hurried off. " Morning Gal,How are you?"I asked as I closed the door."Dont even ask I have a Huge Headache ." Kaycee said as I entered the  car "Alright lets get going."

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As we drove into the parking lot we saw Two Cars parked beside us. We all got out of the cars and covered each other in bear hugs since they were my Besties. Clarissa broke the silence between us saying. " Hey Guys , I feel like my whole world is collasping ."" The worlds to big for yah,for yah" We had a heard a musical voice beside us. "Tomeeks why do you always have to do that?" I asked Annoyed. "Cause,"she looked at me ," 'I hate you I love you , you know that I love you.' "You....................... "I chased her into the school. No sooner had I entered the hallway than Bumped into a wall . I was almost to the ground when I felt a strong pair of arms around me. I had covered my face awaiting the impact but then I lifted my face to meet a very amused face of my annoying ex-bestfriend. "Why do you always have to be around me Sweetheart? Don't tell me am that irresistable so you can't go far away from me." I saw him smirking at me. I shifted away from his arms and straightened myself out. "Oh Boy don't flatter yourself too much. Don't tell me you think that already when I ditched your stupid party on Saturday." I snared at him. "Oh My Go.............."he stammered. 

'OMG did i just shut down the king of all the world. Oh I think i just did,did I really?Yeah girl you just put him in his rightful place and for sure you look at his face it is priceless, he is speechless for sure." Those were the words in my mind. He leaned forward and said."You just showed me a face i never thought i would see in my brothers best friend" I had chuckles around me and turned around to see my  friends and his bestfriends laughing at his expression. then they all went quiet all of a sudden. I turned around to see an angered face. "Oh you think she can do anything to me but all in all tit for tat is a fair game, a'll get you next time Cupcake."He said in an emotionless tone and leaned forward as he said the last words and left.
"Oh jeez that looks like something I would really wanna know, Summer what happened?"Dawn asked as we all headed for our lockers. " Oh that , it is nothing interesting just an ignorant bastard put in their place." I said smiling and  remembering the past events.

I'll tell you what happened as she was chasing me, She bumped into our Dear Prince Freddy who caught her before she could fall and started his deadly vomit diahorea of words but Our Queen quickly retaliated fast." I had Tomika say and forgot she was there for the whole scenarial. "Summer, what did you say to make him look so throw off his own game? Kaycee asked. "Nothing much but put his ego in the right place. I told him he is not as unresistable as he thinks cause I ditched his stupid party on Saturday." We all burst out laughing and took out our books for our respective periods.
I was in such a good mood that I forgot I shared the first period with the Panthers, the school bitches. I got to class only to find all the front seats occupied and there were only two empty seats in the back. I slowly walked over to the back and took a seat.
Just a few minutes after the bell rang our math teacher,Mr. Myles got into the classroom and called the register only to find that Freddy was not in.
'Knock.' " Come in," said the teacher ."Oh Finally the captain himself has decided to grace us with his mighty presence after 20 minutes." Freddy paid no attention to his thoughts but passed him a pink card,which was a late class pass,and came to sit next to me while winking at me. This was my one of my favourite subjects but hated it because of the people in the class.
The class went on well as I continued getting snares from Maddy and smirks from Freddy the whole time.

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