Disappear (a 5SOS fanfiction)

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All I remember was that the man was here. The man was watching. The man was gone. And then I was too. After it was too late, I realized that I was in trouble. I had gotten notes, threats more specifically, but there was nothing to back them up, and I payed no attention to them. Now that I know the man had been the astranged author of these silly-or not so silly- messages, I knew I couldn't leave Michael. Or any of them, for that matter. It was time to fight back. Or at least, die trying to. 


"I still don't understand why you wont teach me to play the recorder." Luke whined to no one in particular "I want to learn new things and you guys are keeping me from my dreams." Calum looked up and rolled his eyes.

"No one is going to teach you to play the recorder." Calum said for the millionth time since I've been with them. Luke glared at him from across the room, and Calum just shrugged and slid off the bed face down onto the carpet and hummed.

"And besides, you'll find something more fun to blow, anyways." Ashton said with a giggle.

Calum looked up, eyes wide and said. "Thats very inppropriate4." and put his head back on the ground. Ashton shrugged his shoulders and sat down on the couch next to me and Michael.

"Aleeeeeeeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxx" Luke whined.

"Wat?" I watched Luke's movements as he awkwardly shuffled around the room

"Do you promise not to get angry..?" He said and fiddled with the carpet.

"Yes I promise not to get mad, Lucas." I giggled and smiled because Michael kept poking my side as I spoke. Me and Michael have been dating for about 5 months, and since they're on break from tour, we can all dinally just hang out instead of rushing to a different show every night. It was nice to see them so relaxed, and even better to be able to spend some much needed time with Michael. I've missed the times where I wasn't worried that he'd find some girl while out at some concert and realize that he can do so much netter then me. I'm terrified that the newfound fame he's gotten will change what we have.

Luke hesitated "Alright..." He paused and nervously and looked around at each and every one of us. "Will you go out wi-"

Michael cut him off "wHat the fuck Luke?! That's my girlfriend!" Luke looked hurt before he shook his head.

"You didn't let me finish. I wanted to know if Alex wanted to go out with me" Michael glared as Luke paused. "... To find someone to teach me how to play the recorder!" He gave us a toothy grin and Calum burst out laughing. I smiled at Calum and shook my head.

"Of course I'll help you find someone to teach you." I laughed and Michael smiled before he pulled me into a hug, from which I could not escape.

"GET A ROOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM" Ashton screamed, and threw a pillow at Michael, but hit me instead. I glared at Luke, left Michaels arms and picked up a pillow. My death glare bore holes the size of meteors through his skull. I smiled, aimed and threw the pillow at Ashton leaped onto Calum's and they both tumbled away. The pillow slammed into Luke who was busy attempting to create a recorder out of bendy straws. He turned and grabbed the pillow and launched it high over my head and smacked Michael in the face. It was nice knowing Luke, because Michael was going to destroy him. After several broken lights and four sweaty boys passed out on the floor, I decided to wake up Michael.

"whAT THE FUCK DO YO- oh. Hey babe, are you okay? Is something wrong?" His eyebrows raised  and his eyes were full of concern. I smiled.

"Michael... do you love me?" I asked, not completely sure I wanted the answer.

"Alex I love you more than anything in the world." Michael replied, he looked confued.

"I'm scared, Michael." I felt my eyes start to water He saw the tears pooling in my eyes and he grabbed me and pulled me close. He rested his chin on the top of my head.

"Alex, am I doing something wrong? I don't ever want to lose you." His voice trailed off.

"I can't imagine my life without you. I'm so terrified that when you're off at some concert you'll see some other girl. Some one funnier and prettier than me. I'm scared you'll realize you can do better than me. I'm so scared..." The tears were streaming down my face now. I didn't even want to think of what would happen if he left me. I wouldn't even know what to do with myself. He was my entire life, and it's scary to think that my entire world can be taken away because of some insane fan who caught his eye. I can't live without him.

"Alex...You're the first girl I've ever loved. You're the last girl I'll ever love. I will never leave you, and I will do my best to never hurt you. I will care for you and love you until the day I die, and no girl at some random concert will ever take me away from you. Alex I'm scared that you'll find another guy who isn't gone all time, amd has normal hair, and you'll fall in love with them. Im scared because you're so beautiful and funny and amazing. Im scared because I see the way every guy looks at you as you walk by. I'm so scared Alex. I don't know what more I can do to make me better than any of the other guys out there. I love you so much. I can't even stomach the thought of not having you in my life." Michael took a few shakey breaths and I could tell he was crying. I only see this side of him when he isn't surrounded by his friends. I loved this side of him, and everything about it.

"Michael, I'd never leave you. Never." I said and snuggled deeper into his embrace.

"I love you, Alex." Michael whispered

I smiled "I love you more." Michael picked me up and turned us over, so we'd be comfortable. I started dalling asleep when Michael said

"I love you most."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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