Part 1

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Maggie waved her hand in front of your face as you stared aimlessly at the screen before you. "Earth to [Y/N]. You alive in there, girl?" The movement startled you, as somehow you had not heard her walk into your office.

"Umm yeah, Maggie. What are you doing here?" You straightened yourself up in your chair and pulled on the lapel of your lab coat in an attempt to look like you were not half-asleep with boredom. She put her hands on her hips with that mother hen look she often got with you.

"You need a break. All these patients and boring files are going to melt that big brain. Come on we are going out tonight. Dancing, a few drinks, then we can walk home looking at all the pretty lights of York Town. I promise I won't try to pawn you off on some random stranger. Even though you do need to get laid sometime this century." Shaking your head, you stood up walking around your desk.

"Let's not talk about that. The last time was horrible and I have no desire to repeat it." Maggie looked like she was going to stomp her foot.

"That is what I am saying! We go out have fun and go home a little tipsy and tired. No pressure for anything more. What could go wrong?" Your brow rose in her direction.

"I can't believe you just said that. Something awful is going to happen now. I will blame you if I end up here with some broken appendage." Jumping up and down in her excitement, Maggie laughed.

"Oh we are going to have so much fun. Come on Doctor Boring I have a dress that will look perfect on you." Grabbing your hand, she dragged you through the door of your office past your commanding officer, who eyed the two of you warily.

"I probably do not want to know. I need you in one piece for your next shift Doctor [Y/L/N]." Your cheeks flushed. Doctor Baush had seen you arrive many a time for your shifts, hung-over after nights out with Maggie.

"Yes sir. I will be here, I promise. I have never missed a shift." The man nodded once then went back to his PADD. She dragged you all the way back to her assigned quarters. Refusing to let you go home because she knew you would probably back out if given the chance. The dress she handed you was better than you had imagined. It was not trashy or revealing. The knee length dress had a light skirt that twirled when you moved. It was a pretty aqua number with a black sash at the waist that accentuated your hips. You had to give it to Maggie she knew what you liked. She pulled your hair up in a pretty and easy bun then just put a little flair of makeup around your eyes. That was the reason she had become one of your closest friends. She knew when to push you but never pushed too far.

The two of you walked arm in arm towards the busy central commercial streets of Yorktown. Laughing and talking as you made your way through the crowds.

"Well, there must be shore leave. Look at all uniforms out tonight. Too bad we aren't looking for some sexy Commander for you." Maggie wiggled her eyebrows at you. You could only laugh and pinch her arm gently.

"Come on you promised me dancing and a few drinks." You pulled her into one of the lesser crowded bars. Lesser, being it was still packed but there was not a line around the corner to get in. A few shots for the both of you before you ended up on the dance floor for a few hours. While you were not drunk, your body felt warm and you had that normal pink tinge to your cheeks that happened just before you reached that point. That was your cue to cease the drinking. It felt awful waking up in the morning with a hangover even with the assistance of a few hypos. So you quit while you were ahead. You looked around for a few minutes for Maggie before finding her leaning back against a wall talking to some tall redheaded man. They looked to be in deep conversation so you made your way back to the bar. Just before breaking through the wall of people, someone tapped your shoulder. As you turned, all you could see were startling blue eyes and a mess of blond hair.

"Hello, beautiful. Want to dance?" The words were slightly slurred and he did not seem all together stable on his feet.

"Oh no, pretty boy. I am getting some water and taking a seat. My feet are killing me." You walked off leaving the surprised man in your wake. Thankfully, one seat at the bar was open between everyone trying to cram into the small space. As you sipped on your water, you turned back looking at the crowd and sighed. This was not your scene. It was getting to be too much.

"How come you aren't out there dancing with that guy?" A voice asked from next to you. Looking over you found a dark head of hair and a half smile looking into his liquor glass.

"Oh you mean the pretty boy? Umm no. He is drunk and I don't do the whole sleeping with a random stranger thing. I really don't need to wake up with some form of the clap. The hypos for that are not fun." The man choked then spit out his drink. Raising a brow at him. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Yes, I'm fine. Just uhh, the drink went down the wrong pipe there." You knew it was a lie but he was smiling wide now. He looked handsome with that smile too. "May I ask you a question?" You nodded at him, interested to see what the question was. "Why are you in a place like this with people like this? It's a bar and people come to bars to drink and make fools of themselves. You don't seem like someone who would come here to do that."

"Well that wasn't what I was expecting. But, I'm here because I needed a break in the monotony. I've been bored and needed a bit of drinking and dancing. Not looking for my soul mate or anything. Just something letting me know I am still alive. You ever feel like that?" The man sat up straighter on his stool looking at you in a way that made your cheeks flush more than they already were. It wasn't rudely, just searching.

"Darlin' you have no idea. I'm Leonard, by the way." He held his hand out. You shook it with a dip of your head.

"[Y/N]. Want to go outside, and talk? This place feels like it is closing in." Leonard smiled again, setting a credit chip on the counter.

"Lead the way." You couldn't help but grin at him. After a moment to let Maggie know where you would be, you walked out towards a bench that looked over the lights of Yorktown. The two of you talked for hours. Finding it funny how much you had in common. You had attended the academy just two classes behind him and each of you had heard the others names in passing. Leonard had even read your report on Xenobiological sampling; published last year. There had always been rumors about the grumpy southern doctor in the medical circles you knew. However, he laughed and smiled easily with you. Before you both knew it, the sun was coming up.

"I can't believe it. We have been talking for six hours. The time just flew." You stood up realized how stiff your body was from sitting for so long.

"Me either. But it was wonderful. After I get some sleep today, would you have dinner with me? I want to see you again." Leonard had been holding your hand for the past few hours and now he gave it a quick squeeze. The hopeful look on his face made your heart melt.

"I want to see you too. I will meet you here at 1900. You better not be late, Leonard." You leaned up on your toes and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"No ma'am. I will be right here waiting. 1900 hours." He said quietly as he looked down at you. You fought the urge to kiss him again. It would end with you unable to pull away. You already knew it. Leonard stood there watching you as you walked off towards your home. The feeling of his eyes on your back did not leave until you turned the corner. Your heart was pounding in your chest. Your mind moving at a million light years a second.

"I need to see that man again."

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