Part 15

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Leonard was released the next day after more rest and food. M'Benga only allowed it since you would be there to watch him closely. While he still looked pale, Leonard's eyes had some of the life back in them. He submitted his resignation and it was as though a light had turned back on. You did the same that night as he slept in your bed. It took everything you had in you to hit submit. It felt like something heavy was weighing on your heart now. But making Leonard better was the only thing you could focus on. Well that and Analynn. They needed your love and support and when everything was right again, maybe you could find what you needed.

Jim received both requests in the morning as he sat in his office. When he sent them on to Command, he knew would lose two of the closest friends he had ever had and a little girl that had a piece of his heart. There was no use in trying to talk Bones out of it. Or you for that matter since you were intent on doing what you thought best for your husband. When the rest of your friends found out it had turned the once lively close group, quiet and reserved. No one wanted you and Leonard to leave but no one could fault you either. It made for awkward meals and discussions.

Leonard's orders came first. Due to his seniority and record aboard the Enterprise, he would be allowed to resign with no issue in a month. You on the other hand would have to wait. They would not allow two of the doctors aboard to resign simultaneously. It would leave the ship dangerously understaffed. Until a replacement could be found, you would continue to serve aboard the Enterprise. Even then, Command was hesitant to let you resign. Losing two doctors was not ideal. Jim had mentioned the possibility of transfer to a planet side facility instead of resigning completely. Leonard was not thrilled about this and had thrown a fit when the orders came down a week after his.

"I can't believe they are trying to do this to us. It's damn ridiculous if you ask me." He was pacing in the living room, running his hands through his hair. It was sticking up a bit more than usual.

"What did you expect? For them to bend over backwards and let two doctors from the same assignment just up and leave without replacement? This is the flagship of Starfleet. With some of the most dangerous missions, Leonard. They can't put the crew at risk like that. I won't put the crew at risk like that." That stopped him in mid-pace to stare over at you.

"I... I didn't think about it like that. I'm sorry darlin'. I just want out of this tin can as fast as possible." Coming to sit next to you, he kissed you lightly flashing an apologetic smile.

"I know, love. There are a couple options we have." Resting one hand on his thigh.

"Well lay 'em out, maybe we can make sense of something." There was no doubt he was going to hate most of what you were going to say.

"First one is that we all stay here on the Enterprise until my resignation is accepted. I don't know how long it would be, but you wouldn't have to be on duty anymore dealing with the patients." The McCoy frown appeared as he looked at you as though you grew an extra appendage from your neck.

"Next." A long sigh escaped from your lips.

"I stay here until the orders come through and you go home to get a place set up for us. Again I don't know how long it would be but then you would at least be off the ship." His body tensed at the thought.

"I don't want to be without you, [Y/N]. We are supposed to be doing this as a family. I mean it would just probably be me right? Analynn is still nursing I can't exactly take her away from her mom. How would all that work out?"

"Leonard, I don't know what to do. I can't just up and leave against orders. I will end of in the brig for the rest of my life for abandoning my post." He rose from the couch again to resume his pacing.

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