Dream land
The day I realized we don't belong togetherS is for something
Something, like us, just a something to you...
Us don't matter though how much I devoted to you
Something like that, so special to others, to many people but it just worthless to you
And why?
Cause you have her
She's everything to you
She better than me in your eyes
She is the apple of the eye to you
And I'm just something you never care
I'm nothing
It's funny how there is still an 'us'
It's ridiculous how an 'us' still possible
It's hilarious how you used that 'us' to cover your guilt
It's painful how you broke every hope I have for you, for that 'us'
But somehow it's possible for me to believe that there'll be a time when you'll come around
Though I know that you will just crashed that little hope into pieces...
Shattered, crumbled into pieces...
SHOTS (English version)
Romans• S • H • O • T • S • Letters, where keeps our wonderful youth, where you can relive the memories and emotions This story will be my collection of things in my personal life... hope so ^^ I have a Vietnamese version of this book but with different...