The Squad in a Zombie Apocalypse (AU)

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The girls hid out in a gas station, Maddie and Nev ran around gathering as many drinks and food as they could.

Dust and Alyssa boarded themselves in so the walkers couldn't get in.

Alli set everything they had down and she rested on the counter.

Anatra patched up a scrape on her knee that she got when she was running.

Danielle was trying to fix the sink because she was screaming something about hygiene.

Alli got up and went to the back to search for supplies.

Maddie and Nev finished grabbing as many things as they could, and they zipped up the large bag.

A scream was heard from the back.


Maddie bolted to the back door, everybody following after her.

The door bursted open and Alli was holding a bat, a walker, much taller than her, was walking towards her, faster than Alli had hoped.

Alli swing her bat, and hit the walker in the side. It didn't do much, because it got back up and started running towards her.

Maddie took her AR and shot it in the head.

"God dammit Maddie! Every walker in this damn strip mall probably heard that!" Dust snapped.

"What was I supposed to do? It was gonna kill her!"

"Guys! Shut the f*ck up!" Alyssa hissed.

They all crowded in the back room, Anatra struggled to lift a table so she could cover the door.

"I got you." Danielle helped her lift the table and it blocked the door.

"What about the other one?" Alli pointed to the door on the other side.

Dust and Maddie took an empty bookshelf and covered the door with it.

Danielle slowly went into the bathroom, gripping her pistol. Surprisingly, the bathroom was pretty clean. No blood or guts.

"It's clear in here. Who wants to clean up first?"

Anatra ran into the bathroom and pushed Danielle out "Thanks, love ya bye!"

She shut the door and everyone waited their turn. No walkers had come to bang and scratch at the door yet.

Nev was cleaning her giant machete. And Alyssa was reloading her shotgun.

Alli slept peacefully on the scratched couch. Maddie was on the floor leaning against it, also asleep.

Dust cleaned up next, then Danielle, then Nev, Alyssa, Alli, Maddie.

By the time everyone was done, it was almost night.

"Should we stay in here?" Alli asked.

"Yeah. The walkers will try and get to us if we go out at night." Anatra answered.

Dust was protecting her wet hair as much as possible, she had it up in a high bun so it can dry and not get tangled.

"Alright time for dinner." Alli opened a bag of chips and a water bottle.

They all got an equal portion of the chips and they had to waterfall with the water bottle, much to Nev's disappointment.

Alyssa had to squirt as much water into Nevs mouth as she could because Nev refused to do it.

After that catastrophe, everybody went to sleep, but Maddie had to fight Dust brutally for the couch. Once Dust retreated and spat on Maddie, Maddie gave the couch to Alli.

Alli just shrugged, too tired to argue. And they all drifted off.

When everyone woke up, they packed their things and left. After walking for what seemed like forever, they came across a large building.

They ran inside and were immediately met with guns. "Well sh*t!" Alyssa enthusiastically yelled.

"Who are you?" A man stepped forward.

"Girls who survived the zombie apocalypse, got a problem?" Anatra sassed.

"Yeah. We do. What did you think you were doing running in here?"

"Uh we wanted a home? We slept in a gas station last night." Dust raised an eyebrow.

"Get our and never return. Go before I shoot you all!" He snarled.

"Okay damn." Maddie held up her hands.

They all left and with no where to go, they just kept wandering.

But they eventually found a house they were looking for. They built a wall around the property to keep the walkers out. And they often went out scavenging.

It was gr8

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