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(Picture above is Annalise, it's also me!!! sOrRy IM NOT CREATIVE))

Hey. My name's Annalise Winschester, but most people call me Leesy. That's pronounced 


by the way.

My parents died when I was a kid. The Orphanage of San Francisco won't tell me how, and they won't tell me why. Even though I ask. Did I mention that I'm a bit of an asshole?

It also doesnt help that my I.Q. is above the average. Like, way above average.

Not to brag but, I'm kind of a genius.

I know this city like I know the back of my hand. Every street corner, every building, everyone. 

And everyone knows me.

I was alone, but I was never lonely. I knew people on every street in San Fran. I knew people in every building.

But I never had a friend until I met Eddie Brock.

I was walking to one of my favorite spots. It's called Al's.

It's a bar.

The bartender, Alonzo, knew my parents. They came there on New Years. I know I'm not old enough to drink, so I usually order a kiddy cocktail, maybe with some vodka if I'm having a bad day.

Today was one of those days.

School is pointless. Teachers yapping to the students about stuff they already know.

It's either that or they're illiterates.

Or maybe that's just me.

Long story short, I lost my temper. 

Now I'm suspended.


So I was at the bar, with my cocktail. Watching the football game. We were losing.

So I was bored.

Then I felt a presence to my left.

People don't usually sit at the bar with a child.

That's shady as hell. 

So now I'm confused.

"One margarita, extra salt, on the rocks."

The voice was masculine. He sounded like he was from Jersey, or maybe New York...

I turned around, motioning to Al for a refill. 

I could feel a pair of eyes on me. 

"How old are you?"

"Easy, buddy."

He laughed, more of a chuckle, really.

I was shocked. I usually don't make people laugh.

"No, no, I didn't mean it like that. I just...*chuckle*. I just wanna make sure you're allowed to drink."

No. I'm not.

"Only on bad days." 

Hey, that's the best I can do.

He smiled and chuckled again. 

"I know what you mean."

I have decided not to hate this man.

"So," I say, "What're you in for?"


"Well," he says, "My boss is being kinda... y'kow." 

"An asshole?"

He nods.

"Not only that, but my girlfriend is being just a little...."


Again, he nods. Than he looks at me.

"You know a lot about this, for a kid."

Brilliant observation.

" I'm smart."

He smiles.

"So, kiddo." 

I haven't been called kiddo in years.

"Why are you here?"

"I've been suspended from school. A blessing really."

"Yep, been there. Teachers can be dumbasses sometimes."


"Right? You state some logical facts, outsmarting them, and they're like 'Get outta my school, you female bastard!' That's true dialect from the vice principal."

This time, he laughs. And in the process, spits out his drink.

I smile. I like this man

When he's done laughing, he smiles and looks at me.

"What's your name, kiddo."

"Annalise Winschester. Most people call me Leesy.

"Leesy. I like that!"

I smile.

"My name's Eddie. Eddie Brock."

And that's how it started.

(Well, that's chapter one! Thanks for reading, vote for more! Love you guys!)

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