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I leaned on the outside of Annie's apartment.

It's 7:03 a.m.

I'm gonna be late.

I've been accepted to San Francisco University.

I'm still 13.

I met Eddie two weeks ago 

We've been friends ever since.

I hear the door open.

Annie Weying walks out in the suit.

Eddie must've had a good morning.

Eddie introduced me to Annie the day after we met. Annie and I hit it off right away. We became fast friends.

"Hey, Leesy!"

"Hey, Annie."

Annie's very pretty, and her personality is gold. It's why we get along. She's good for Eddie. I like her.

She wants to call me Annie as well, but I'll stick with Leesy.

She's smiling at me.

"Do you need a ride? I have time!"

I smile. It's impossible not to smile at Annie.

"No thanks, Annie. Eddie said he would do it today."

Annie gave me a look. "You sure? It's really no problem."

"Yeah, I'm sure! Besides if he doesn't, he owes me some cash..."

Annie smiles slyly. 

This is why we get along.

Neither of us take Eddies shit.

"Okay, fair enough. See you around, Lee!"

"See ya, Annie! Have fun tonight!"

She smiles and gets in her car.

Then I'm alone.

But not for long.

Eddie walks out, and looks at me.

"Shit, is that today?"


"I'm gonna be late, kiddo."

"Yeah, me too. We can be late together!"

He smiles, but I can tell he doesn't want to. I have that effect on him, and he on I. It's weird. 

But so are we.

"Do you have your helmet?"


"Alright let's go then!"

I smile.

We both get on his bike, and he speeds off.

Driving with Eddie is dangerous. 

But what isn't?

He speeds down the street, popping wheelies, and weaving in between the morning traffic.

And we're whooping all the way.

Giving idiots the bird.

Cursing at the ones that give it back.

Laughing at the idiots who don't.

Road rage to the max.

That's driving with Eddie.

We pull up to the university, and while doing so pop a wheelie.

Students gawk at us.

Eddie takes off his helmet, and I take off mine. 

The Royal We (Venom 2018)Where stories live. Discover now