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I wake up in Eddie's house.

I hear Annie leaving, but not before she waved goodbye to me.

I waved back.

I continue to watch the Office, and I hear Eddie stir.

Soon he gets up, and walks out of the room.

He looks at me.

I look back at him.





And we smile.

We can't hate each other. We've tried.

But I know what he's done, and there's not turning back now. I suddenly regret waving at Annie. I know it has nothing to do with me, but I feel like a liar.

 I go to the bathroom and get dressed, and I head back to the living room. 

Eddie is dressed as well, and he's holding my helmet.

"Don't you have an interview?"


"... So, shouldn't I stay here?"


"Then where am I going?"

"You're going with me!"

". . . . Huh?"


"Eddie, is that okay with your boss?"

"Yeah, I asked. C'mon, lets go!"

".....umm, alright."

Eddie smiles at me.

"Away we go!"

We get on the bike.

As we're driving, I contemplate the real reason Eddie took me with him. I'm one of the only people he can trust.

And, he knows I'd tell Annie.

He just knows. . .

and drive to the Life Foundation.

We sit in the lobby.

"Okay, remind me again why I'M here?"

"My boss thought it would be a good idea to have a child with me, to, you know, enhance the probability of a good interview."


"Ah, I see."



"Okay, you're here because you know what I know, and I want an eyewitness. You can read people like a book, and I want you to tell me if I'm right. Look for his reactions, any nervous ticks, or something."


"You're one of the only people I trust right now."


"Yes, so you can't go to jail!"

"Oh my God..."

"Okay, I'm sorry. But you gotta trust me!"


"Good, thank you."




"If I go to jail, I'm going to kill you."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2019 ⏰

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