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You were at your aunts when everything went to shit. Everyone was running in all different directions but all you could think about was the look on your mothers face as she took her life. The cold dead eyes with tears running down them. They were so empty you didn't know what to do, until you were pulled along by your aunt did you run.

She told you to keep running and that's what you did. Run run and run. Bumping into multiple people and listening to the crashes and explosions behind you. Each one making your heart beat faster.

You then watched a woman be pushed and she fell, noticing how she was pregnant you reacted without thinking. Running over to her you bent over, "Miss are you okay?" She looks up at you with a lost look and all she can respond with is a confused nod and a quiet "yes".

"Come inside!" You heat a lady yell, you look up to see a woman coming towards you. This made you be filled with relief and hope. Starting to help the lady up, expecting the other woman to help. But all you see is her stare off into the street, "mom? Please don't go."

You watch with horror filling your entire body as she walks to a car on fire and sit there with no worries. My breath hitches as I try to breathe and I fall to the ground when the car explodes.

Starting to hyperventilate, I didn't hesitate when the man that came up to us told us to keep our eyes down and help us. I did what he said and ran ahead of them up the stairs and to the door while he helped the lady up to the door.

Once I got to the door I immediately started pounding on it with tears running down my face. "Please let me in! Please!" The man came up and pulled me to the side ramming the door with his body. "Open the door! This woman is pregnant and there's a kid! Open the door!" I cried pounding on the door, "Please! Let us in please!" I yelled. Another woman joined him with hitting the door. "Hey! Open the door! Police!"

My body shook with fear as the door still didn't open, "Police open the fucking door!" The door suddenly opened to an Asian man, "Get in. Hurry!" The police officer helped the pregnant lady in and the other man hurried me inside.

"You okay?" I only nodded keeping close to the man that helped us on the street. The house looked expensive from what I could tell, big enough to keep a lot of people. I see a figure move and I look up to see an older man with a lot of wrinkles take a few steps towards us with a shotgun. I flinch, freezing in my place. The man that helped us moving a bit in front of me.

Pain, sadness, fear, anger. They all were displayed on the old mans face. "She went to help you.... Now she's gone." Guilt filled every part on my body. That woman must have been close to the old man, and now she's gone. She's gone and won't be able to hug the old man because I was a coward and sat there like an idiot, not doing anything.

The Asian man started talking walking towards the old man, "Come on now. Everybody's obviously just a little freaked out. Come in. Come inside the house." The pregnant lady whispered at the same time, "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."

My body shook and I couldn't move, "I'm sorry sir," tears fell from my eyes, "I'm so sorry." "Come on, come on." I hesitantly moved, walking behind the pregnant lady.

Walking into the kitchen there were so many people. I could hear so many voices but couldn't put them to anyone. "Is everyone alright? Is anyone hurt?" I shake my head, keeping it down.

"Is anyone getting service in here? You don't have any wifi?" "I have not gotten any." I shakily take out my phone and tried calling my dad. "Dad? Dad hello?" But there was nothing, just a long sound of nothing. "Nononono," I whispered to myself. I called him again but nothing.

A sob escapes my mouth and I cover it with my hand looking up at the tv. "I got to get ahold of my kids." "No nothing." People running in a panic, screams could be heard from the streets. The man on the tv looked scared but he still kept talking.

The pregnant lady then called someone, "Mom? Mom, call me. Call me right now." She said in a panicky voice. I held back from crying and I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder and lean in front of me. I flinch at the contact but it's only the man who let us inside. "Hey, you okay?" All I could do was shake my head no. He gives me a sympathetic look, "That's okay, my name is Greg. What's your name?" I kept looking down at my feet, "...y/n"

"That thing fucks with your nervous system. I've seen it in my clients for weeks." The white haired man said while helping himself to food. "Hey, did I mentions I'm a fucking cop?" The cop lady yelled stopping the man from eating. While this happened Greg walked me to the window seat next to the man that helped us on the street. Greg looked at you then turned to him, "Could you keep an eye on her?" He look at you then back to Greg, "Yeah, I'll look after her."

"You're in the academy. Doesn't make you a cop." you hug your knees and stare at the wall, "I don't need you to look after me." you whisper "I get that, but you are still a kid. My name is Tom. What about you?"

"Whatever it is, I'm sure they'll send someone soon." The old woman said, trying to reassure everyone, but before you could respond the old man with the shotgun says, "No, the only thing that will happen soon is we're all gonna die soon." Horror fills your body and you start to shake. We are going to die soon, everyone is going to die. You start to shake even more as Tom interrupts him.

"Really man?" Tom stands up, "There's a kid here." Gesturing to you, "Well she's gonna have to figure out soon that this isn't high school anymore. This is a classic bio-warfare signature. North Korea or Iran." Greg cuts in, "Douglas, that's it. They don't know what it is yet, okay? We just all gotta try to stay calm. Really." He looks at you, "nobody is going to die okay? Nobody." "That's wishful thinking." Douglas says sarcastically.

You wipe your face from the tears trying to get the image of your mom out of your head. "We are so fucking fucked."

(Continued on different account) Survive  (teen insert in Bird Box) Where stories live. Discover now