May I just say, I really didn't expect people to actually like this story.

Honestly I watched the movie and I was like "man what would it be like if I was in that story" which lead me to write this. I didn't expect people to read it, but I kinda wanted people to.

So I just, forgot about it till I went back to see if anyone read it, and you guys actually liked it.
It's not the best, I haven't written in a long time and I'm not very good at suspense but here you go! And I will try my best to make the story the best!
SO here you go!!

You kept trying to call your dad from the corner of the room while Charlie explained to the group what was killing everyone. Or what was making people kill themselves. The thought ran a shiver down your spine. How did you get so lucky? Everyone else is dead, but how were you not dead?

Tom watched as you panicked in your spot on the floor. It wasn't fair to you, a child, to be put into this situation. No kid should grow up in this world, nobody should.

"I'm working on a novel guys." Charlie tries to convince them. "For fucks sake."
"So we cant do anything but wait here until we go crazy like him?" And all you could hear was muffled. You had to get out of there. It was suffocating you.

You needed to get out of there. Out of the house. Away from everyone. Away from reality. You didn't even realize the time that went by while you sat in the hallway. You just knew that there was nothing you could do. Nothing you could fix.

All you wanted was some fresh air.

Your feet moved.

All you want is to see your dad.

Tears rolled down your face.

You heard someone say something but it was muffled. You were shaking like your were freezing.

Then the muffled voices sounded like they were yelling but you didn't care. You wanted your dad. You wanted everything to just stop.

Before you knew it you were yanked away from the door you had opened just a little. You screamed and kicked. Trying to get away from the man holding onto you. "NO LET GO OF ME!" "Shh shh, it's going to be alright. (Y/n) everything's fine." Tom struggled to hold you, and ended up kneeling on the ground holding you against his chest.

Greg quickly shut the door and locked it as Tom tried to calm you down. "I want to go home!" You sobbed. You hit his chest, begging to be let go of.

"Are you fucking serious?!" Douglas yelled, his grip on the gun tightening. "Everything is under control." "She almost got us all killed!"
"We are all going to die." Lucy said walking away with a hand on her mouth.

You squeezed your eyes shut, fist dropping from Toms chest as you focused on your breathing. "It's going to be alright kid, just focus on me." Tom said, putting his arm under your legs. "Oh the poor thing." Cheryl says, putting a hand on your cheek. "She needs to rest, the amount of fear and stress going through her could harm her." Tom nods and stands up holding you. You breathed heavily while he carried you up the stairs, clutching to his shirt.

"She has to go!" Douglas yelled, "Nobody is going anywhere!" Greg argued. "Either she leaves or we lock her in the garage!"


You wake up to the sound of muffled arguing from downstairs. Looking around, you didn't recognize the room you were in. There was a dresser and some paintings on the wall, nothing special just a guest room at the looks of it. Except for the covered windows.

How long has it been? Looking out the window, it has already gotten dark. Shakily, you pull the covers off your body to investigate. You open the door hesitantly, walking through the hall holding your hands to your chest.

You first heard Douglas, "Something like that can never happen! What if she does it again? What if she-" "What if she nothing! I told that kid I would take care of her! Nothing like that is going to happen!" Tom yelled.

You stopped in your tracks, just listening from the top of the stairs. "She could be a danger," Lucy, well you think it's Lucy, chimed in. "We don't know. We have to keep an eye on her." "She is a sweet girl, she's just scared." Cheryl, bless her heart, says.
"The kid is terrified and just wants to be with her father. She's only 15 for fucks sake Douglas!"

"Everyone calm down." Greg says, shutting everyone up. "Nothing is going to happen to (y/n), and we aren't going to do anything to her, Douglas."

"Fine. But," Douglas points at Tom, "If anything like this happens again, I won't hesitate to throw her into the garage." Tom raises his hands in a surrender position, "Understood."

You grimace at the conversation, at this rate you wouldn't be able to get to your father. You knew you would die if you did went looking for him. The safest solution was to stay here and pray.

You got up from your position on the floor and tiptoed back to your room. Walking through the hallway, you stopped and stared at the covered window. The sounds of whispers and muffled cries made you hurry to your room and cover your entire body in the blanket, praying your dad was alive.

(Continued on different account) Survive  (teen insert in Bird Box) Where stories live. Discover now