one direction meeting a fan

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harry. meeting opal 

opal. hi  awwwwwwwww  omg. is. harry styles. omg Luke  hi. I love you. Oh my god I am meeting with it starts right now is this happening

harry. say hi back to you I love you  you are my babe babe love you so much girl a huge fan of us I am so sad to see you guys last day of my god

opal. he is so hot. and she can she can draw of you guys are piece of paper

Luke. he will hi opal I love you. I love your story. I love it

kayla. hi I love you to harry and Luke  I love you so much

hi there one direction  fan. did you know zayn live the band  and so  harry styles  was said he lives so liam. say to harry styles do not be said  and Louis. say I love you and you are my boyfriend. harry styles don't  be said. why did vein anything I don't want him to go he is a member of the bear. be happy

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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