The Tale of The Unknown Prince (true/better version)

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Long ago in a land of mythical creatures, where magic exists two kingdoms existed. The brutal kingdom of Ashton and the Feudal kingdom of Shinsaku existed and the young rulers of these kingdoms never were at an agreement.

One day a woman of elegant grace and beauty with beautiful blond hair, arrived in a town near Shinsaku. One day however the town was attacked by bandits and not many survived.

When the king and his men went to check for survivors a young baby with blond hair and deep blue eyes.

The king then adopted the boy and raised him. While the boy grew up he felt he didn't have ties with the Shinsaku kingdom as well. His older siblings told him he was their blood and was different but he did not believe so. Some nights as he grew up the boy would have dreams of a dragon. However because of that he was never allowed to leave the kingdom though but the outside would attracted him like how burning candle light attracts moths to the flames.

One night when the boy was 18 he snuck out of the kingdom into the vast woods that separated Ashton and Shinsaku.

There bandits attacked him forcing him to return to  Shinsaku castle and was caught by the guard led by one of the eldest Shinsaku siblings.

One night he decided to ask about his mother and was told by the king they he did not know.

He left the castle multiple times, hiding his identity and asked the people of Shinsaku if they knew anything about who his mother could be.

Obsessed with learning the truth the boy once more snuck out of the Shinsaku kingdom and went to visit a mystic.

This mystic lived away from both kingdoms and was neutral in the matter.

When he arrived at her hut he asked her about his mother if she knew anything about here.

It was there that he discovered his mother was a princess from another kingdom.

The boy asked the mystic if she knew why his mother came to Shinsaku.

Nodding the mystic explained to him that his mother wanted unity between Shinsaku and Ashton.

The boy thanked the mystic and left her hut and returned to the Shinsaku castle.

There he spoke to the king requesting peace between Shinsaku and Ashton.

The king however refused and the boy went to his room.

That night he decided to set out to find out who his mother was.

"I may not know of my true heritage but I shall discover the truth of my mother and who I truly am. My destiny shall no longer be guided by others. I will choose my destiny." he wrote on paper leaving it in his room escaped out through his window.

As he crossed the ledge trying to escape the boy slipped and began to fall.

As he thought of what he wrote before he hit the ground a bright light surrounded him and a dragon landed on the ground where he would have landed.

The dragon was pearl white with a long body and two powerful wings on its back as it stood on four of its feet.

Shocked at the dragons sudden appearance the soldiers began to attack it but nothing worked. The dragon then took flight and flew off.

After hours of flying the dragon landed at the mystics hut as it suddenly turned back into the boy but he was unconscious.

He soon awoke in the mystics hit and asked her how he arrived there. She explained to him that he has a special power which allows him to take the form of different creatures that he inherited from his mother. She then explained to the boy that because neither the king of Ashton nor the king of Shinsaku knew of this the boy didn't get any practice of his powers as he grew.

The boy explained to the mystic that he is setting out on the journey to find the truth of his mother and find the kingdom she was from.

The mystic did not stop the boy and gave him supplies for his travel which consisted of food water and money incase he ever needed to restock on these supplies.

The mystic also gave him armor and clothing. He donned the armor which consisted of arm bands, shoulder pauldrons as well as boots as well as white and gold clothing and chain mail. The chain mail was under and over the clothing and the armor appeared to be a unification of Shinsaku armor and Ashton armor.

The mysica gave him two swords,a Shinsaku blade and an Ashton sword, telling him that he must unite the kingdoms.

Now he travels in search for his mother's kingdom and learn who he really is and hopefully unite the Ashton and Shinsaku kingdoms before a war breaks out.

A/N: Your all probably wondering why I made a third version. It's because it's still like Fire Emblem Fates and I didn't want to be told I'm ripping it off so I changed some plot parts but it's still the same. He was adopted and has no ties to Ashton.
What do you think now.
Also he has two swords that don't combine now

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