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Jahseh's POV

"Damn ma how you gonna walk out here with all that ass" . Trippie says biting his lips , making us laugh . I could tell Shakira felt a little uncomfortable . "He's right I don't want nobody else looking at you" . I say and she looks a little confused, but then blushes .

"It's not my fault I gotta fat ass" Shakira says to Trippie . "All I'm gonna say is if the teacher ask us to touch our toes , and you in front of me don't be surprised if I slap your ass ." Trippie says and everyone laughs except for me . "You wouldn't dare" . I say sternly . I didn't know why I was acting like this , but I just only wanted her to myself . "Damn , that nigga X already claiming bitches" . Wifi says

"Everyone stand up , do ten jumping jacks" . The class stands and starts doing jumping jacks . I couldn't help but notice when Shakira was jumping , how her breast jumped also . "Damn now tittes" Trippie says . Guys started to look at Shakira and put the hand on their chest and start jumping as if they have boobs .

Shakira immediately stops , with her cheeks really red , and looking pretty angry . "Didn't I say give me 10 Shakira , now you must do an extra five ." Everyone else sat down and Shakira had to do five more by herself . All the guys cheered so she can do it . She hesitated but then she finally did it . All the men cheered her on , while they was looking at her .

Shakira's POV

"You didn't do them correctly do them again" . Coach Simons said . "I'm not doing shit your , just as much as a perv as these guys in here" . I said stomping my foot . "Damn ma you gotta boyfriend" . "You sexy as fuck" . "Let's exchange numbers" . All the guys just kept on making sexual comments looking at my ass , as I was standing arguing with coach . "I can't believe you would accuse me of doing such things , I have a wife and kids . I will be waiting for you right there at the end of class". He said still looking at my body .

I walked back to my spot by Jahseh , the Coach kept on begging for everyone to stop talking but no one listened . "You okay?" Jahseh ask , looking concerned . "DO I FUCKING LOOK , OKAY ?" I lash out at him , rolling my eyes . "That was embarrassing as fuck". I say still mad . I didn't mean to say it to him like that , but I couldn't help it . I just wanna fall into a dark hole and never come out , that was so embarrassing and it's only the first day , this is gonna be a long ass year . He just nodded his head , looking down sad .

Once we all got quiet after 5 minutes of just talking . "So since we can't finish the rest of our warm up because , Ms.Hernandez didn't wanna finish , and started holding up the class you guys , don't do anything today ." Coach Simons said smirking at me . I roll my eyes . Nobody really cared to be honest everybody , just kept on talking and running around the gymnasium . I saw Jahseh looking upset , I'm so fucking stupid why did I yell at him like that . It was almost the end of the period only 5 minutes left . I walk over to him and the rest of the crew , seeing Kayla , Kierra and Yasmeen with them . "Jahseh can I talk to you real quick" I said messing with my fingers , feeling guilty . He didn't respond he just followed me over to where I was gonna talk to him . "What's up , what you wanna talk about ?" He says lowly , looking at the ground .

I grab his face so he can look at me . "Look I'm really sorry for the way I talked to you earlier, all you wanted to do was see if I was ok , and I'm really sorry" I say letting go of his face . "Also you don't gotta forgive me if you don't want too". "It's okay we , all act out of character sometimes ." He says smiling and pulls me into a hug , I hug back , but as soon as I feel his hands go lower I pull away. "AWWWWWWW my goals" The group says in sync , watching us . We just ignored them . "Jahseh why did you just forgive me so easily , I was just so rude and-..." He cuts me off .
"How can I not forgive someone as pretty as you , also it was just a simple slip up it's okay" He says , and then holds my hand as we walk back to the group . This time I don't pull away , I actually liked his hand in mine , all I can do is just let it happen .

As soon as we got back to the group , the bell rings and the boys and girls rush to the locker rooms . "Okay I see you Shakira with X" Kierra says . "What ya got going on with ya ? You guys being next to each other was too cute" . Yasmeen says . "It's was nothing , I just had to apologize to him" I said trying to make them relax . "Apologize about what?" Yasmeen ask . "To be honest I don't really wanna talk about it". I said hoping they would leave me alone . "But the way ya was hugging , he was bout to touch your ass you call that nothing". Kayla says all bubbly . "Right and ya was holding hands" Yasmeen says . "Okay whatever" I say rolling my eyes playfully.

Once we got out of the locker rooms to head to class , I remembered that the Coach wanted to talk to me . I'm not bout to put up with his bullshit just so he can look at me , no thanks . So I just walk away as fast as I could so I wouldn't have to talk to him . Then I felt someone grab my arm again . I turned around to and punch the shit outta , whoever that bitch was touching my arm , because it hurt so badly , but then I saw who it was . "Yo relax it's me again" Jahseh says laughing . "Oh shit sorry" I say having my hand on the back of my neck , kinda mad that he keeps doing that . "How come you always do that?" He says wiping a tear from his eye from how much he was laughing .

"I don't know , never know if a bitch wanna run" I say honestly , but not letting him know about the cuts . "It's cute when you get mad" He says making me blush really hard . "I wanted to ask you if you wanna , you know , hang out after school" . He ask nervously. I didn't wanna be in that house with that bitch so why not . "Sure , just text me your address I'll drive over there ." I tell him . We exchange numbers and he puts his name in my phone as Future💗 . I just tell him to put anything for me . "Why the name" I say laughing . "You'll see" He says mysteriously . "Well see you around". I say .

"We have the same class might as well just walk together" He says smiling . All the kids in the hall , including us are walking to where they gotta be . "Wanna hold hands" I ask him out of the blue , nervous thinking he might say no . He immediately starts to smile. I find his smile so attractive, oh my gawwwd . He doesn't say anything , he just grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles , then holds my hand . My stomach was full of butterflies . We get to class and I sit in my seat , in this class I was planning on sleeping . But I just couldn't , stop thinking about Jahseh and how we were hugging and holding hands . I wonder what does he see in me ? Am I starting to catch feelings ? Does he like me ?

Hey sluts it's me again ❤️ this chapter was sum else , no lie 💕 . It was mad fun to right this chapter . Vote hoes 😉 . And remember , MOMMA RAISED A SOLDIER NOT NO BITCH - Abigail 💜🥳


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