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I love brick homes. They make me feel all cozy, homey, and fuzzy. They make me think about Christmas for some reason... sorry, back to the story. Also, the Toll brothers 👌🏼 good architecture


          It was currently Friday after school, so we would head to the camp tomorrow. Hoseok offered having the rest of the team come over to their house. That would just be me and the three other players that are more of the substitutes for the game because Hoseok and the rest of the for some reason attractive people live together. How do they even handle all of the hotness 24/7? Of course I agreed to go because who would deny such a request.

          The team was at the gym practicing and I was on the sidelines observing and playing games on my phone and reading some fan fiction about Fairytail because anime is life.

          "Hey (M/N), watch o-" a very hard volleyball hit the side of my face, causing me to drop my phone. I immediately hear multiple footsteps rush over to me. "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my.... I'm so sorry (M/N), it was an accident. I hit it with the wrong side of my arm!!!" Joonie was holding by face in his hands, inspecting the side of my face.

"It alright, I'm fine. It's not the first time I've been hit in the face with a ball." I grin, not realizing how wrong that sounded. Joonie and a few others just stared blankly at me. "What? Why are you looking at me like th- oh my god... you're a bunch of pervs. I didn't mean it like that!" I slapped their arms and hid my face in embarrassment. They slowly went back to playing and laughed.

          They continued doing their volleyball stuff and then I got hit with realization "MY PHONE!"


After practice I got into Jin's car with everyone and we rode to their house. I packed my bags the day before and I already put them into the car. I sat in between Jimin and Yoongi and I'm just glad I was next to Jimin because he didn't make me feel as tiny as I was. I know that I's still shorter by an inch, but at least it's only that.

The car ride wasn't as peaceful as I thought it was going to be. I for some reason didn't expect that having over 7 teenage boys in a car at once was going to result in dumb conversations and screaming for no reason at all. I didn't mind, though. It was still fun.

I was talking to Yoongi about music because why the frick frack paddywack not. We were talking about how Violas *cough* TwoSet *cough* were a disgrace to music and how they had no purpose in the orchestra when I felt something heavy on my shoulder. Jimin was leaning against my shoulder, playing on his phone.

After a while Yoongi turned to talk to Jungkook and Taehyung, leaving me with just jimin on my shoulder. I didn't want to just sit there so I got my phone out as well.

Five minutes passed and I rested me head against Jimins. We stayed like that for the rest of the car ride.

"We're here." Jin called out, putting the car in park. He steeped out of the vehicle and started unloading the trunk of the van to mine and the other 3 players bags out.

I went to get out but I forgot Jimin had his head on my shoulder and he had apparently fallen asleep. I gently shake him, but he doesn't budge.

          "Hey Jiminie, wake up." I spoke softly. He stirred a bit, and opened his eyes.

          "Oh hi (M/N)." His Satoori accent was showing.

          "Hi Jiminie." I laugh and we both get up and out of the van.

I walk around to the back of the van and Jin hands me my bag. "Why thank you kind sir." I put on an accent.

"You're most certainly welcome my good fellow." He plays along and I giggle. We walk to their shared home and I place my bags inside.

I admire the houses exterior which was really well built. It was two story and pretty big. It wasn't too big but it definitely was way bigger then my single person home. I understood why it was big, I mean they had seven people living there, but wow. The house was beautiful.


          Once everyone got their stuff inside and we calmed down a bit, we all went to the living room. I couldn't help but admire everything. It was like a flashback to my childhood with the brick.

          "So, any movie suggestions?" Hoseok looked around.

          "We could watch Venom" "ooh, what about infinity war!" "Any horror movie would be fine" everyone started speaking at once.

          "Oh yeah, a horror movie sounds good! What about the shining or exorcist? Y'know, a classic." Tae spoke up, excited about the ideas.

          "Yeah, good options, but what about something scarier. I mean, almost everyone in this room has seen them both. What about something more up to date with the scare factor. Maybe IT, Hereditary, of one of the Saw movies?" Yoongi said.

          After a little discussion everyone decided on a Saw movie. I couldn't care less because I wouldn't even watch the movie. I probably will end up clinging onto somebody's arm the whole time, eating the food and refusing to watch the gore.

~~~ (sorry about all the time skips)

          We got all of our food (i.e. Popcorn and candy) and got situated. We were all on a huge curved couch and I was squished between Taehyung and Suzuki Takahashi, whom is one of my best friends that's on the team.

The movie started and someone turned all the lights off so it could be more immersive. I immediately hook arms with tae and Suzuki. Suzuki was latched onto the person next to him who I couldn't see but I felt sorry because it was kinda hard to pry him off. I unlink my arm with Suzuki and scoot closer to Tae.

         The movie just got to the point where at least one of them has already been brutally murdered. I'm basically clinging onto Tae as if my life depended on it.

         "You really hate horror movies, don't you." Taehyung whispered to me, staring down. I nod in response, trying to watch the movie. Key word 'trying'.

Although I tried to watch the movie, every jumpscare I would jump, let out some inhuman noise, and hug Tae and just look at him. I wanted popcorn, but it was all the way over on the other side of the couch.

"Hey, can I have some popcorn?" I ask Jungkook, who was holding the buttered covered treat.

"Sure," Jungkook a piece of popcorn and throws it at me "here."

The popcorn hit me square in the face, and I just looked at him. I let out a sigh and smiled, "never mind." He smirked and continued watching the movie. I turn back to the movie, trying to watch it.

Not even a minute back to the movie, I'm already hugging tae and putting my face into his side, trying not to see the movie. It surprised me when he put his arm around me.

My eyes were having trouble staying open because I wasn't really focused on ignoring the movie, but was more focused on hugging tae. I closed my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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