write about a funeral from the dead person's viewpoint

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If you've read my book shattered and scarred (pierce the veil) then this will make more sense. Although the funeral hasn't happened in the book yet and when it does I probably won't describe it much.

Alex's POV

I woke up to Nova gently shaking me 'hey Nova' I signed, she didn't respond. I shrugged and got up. But when I turned around I was still laying down. I screamed but no one heard me. I watched terrified as Nova started shaking me harder. I watched in horror as she got up on the bed and started shaking me violently. She started freaking out, and put her hand on my chest. I walked over and did the same, I felt nothing, she put her ear to my chest, I did the same, I'm not breathing. "No no no no no no NOOOOO!" We both yelled crying, only she couldn't hear me. "W-WAKE U-UP, W-WAKE U-UP, W-WAKE U-UP!" She screamed shaking me as hard as she could "P-ple-ease." She whispered. Tears streamed down my face as I screamed "I'm right here. I'm okay. Why can't you see me?!" She cant hear me, I'm really dead. "V-VIC! M-MIK-KEY!" She screamed her voice cracking from crying and not talking for so long. Both of them came in "hey what's wrong baby girl?" Vic asked picking her up, she just shook her head and pointed to me, or I guess, my body. they both looked at her confused but Mike went over anyway and shook me, trying to wake me up, same as she did. When it didn't work he checked my pulse and his eyes widened "h-he's not breathing, no p-pulse." He said sad and shocked. Everyone else was in here now and looked shocked as well. Vic stood up and whispered something to Mike then everyone else before walking out with Nova.

-skip to funeral-

I was.... well my body was put into a box and I was put into the ground. I watch sadly as everyone said things that I for some reason couldn't hear. Everything started to fade and all of a sudden I  was somewhere I've never been. "W-where am I?" I asked "you're in heaven."

Yeah I didnt know what to do for this so its crappy but oh well.



And now for the rewritten version😌

Sadie's POV

"MOMMY, HELP ME!" I screamed out as tears streamed down my face. I don't know where I am, I'm in a small dark box, the box so small that it hugs my body, almost as if it was made specifically for me. I pushed on the top of the box, desperately trying to get out, all the while screaming and crying.

I felt a wave of relief when I heard people speaking from outside. Someone's coming for you Sadie, I told myself, don't worry.

"She was so young" it was muffled, but it sounded like my mom.

"She was only 4, how could someone do something so horrible to such a little girl"

I called out to my mom again, but no one acknowledged me, like at all. I heard footsteps coming closer and what sounded like somone leaning against or resting something against the box, followed by my mom's voice, a lot louder than before.

"I love you so much Sadie bear. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you, I hope you aren't mad at me. I can't imagine what you must've felt or what you must've been thinking. Just know I heard you babygirl, I heard you crying for me while he hurt you. I tried to save you. He locked me in the other room, I promise I tried to protect you. I know you probably thought I left you, and you were scared, and that I wasn't coming. But I did baby, I did, but it was too late. I can't imagine what it was like to call out for me and realize I wasn't there and having yo sit there, knowing there was no way out. I just hope you can forgive me baby, I love you so so so so much Sadie. I'll never forgive myself."

Tears streamed down my face as I screamed "I'M NOT DEAD! I'M NOT DEAD! SOMONE HELP ME!" I kicked and screamed and cried until I had no more energy left. "Please" I whispered, my last bit of hope slipping away.

I laid there for what felt like hours before I heard a man's voice, "Would you like to see her one last time?"

There was some inaudible speaking and then the lid of the box lifted, showing my mom with streaks of black makeup and tears on her face.

"Mommy I'm here, see, I'm okay look!" I reached out to her but it was like she couldn't see me.

"My baby" she cried as she broke down in tears and loud sobs.

She rested her hand on my cheek and told me how much she loved me before stepping away and the lid closed, surrounding me in darkness once again.

I tried one last time to call out to her "Mommy please let me out! I'm scared!"

I heard multiple gasps and loud footsteps, then the box reopened. "SADIE!?" my mom cried, fear and hope swirling in her eyes.

"I wanna go home" I whispered as my mom lifted me out of the box. "I'm scared."

I haven't written in a while so my writing is pretty shitty, plus it's almost 3 am so that's probably part of it

Peace out mother fuckers


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