Chapter 1: Rixton concert?

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“No, no and no. There’s no way I’m going Shauna, I’m sorry” I said like for the fourth time.

“Why Rose? Please! I have already bought the tickets!”

“Then invite someone else” I answered a little annoyed. “But I won’t go to that Prixton’s concert.”

“It’s RIXTON!”

“Whatever. I’m not changing my mind.”

“Oh, come on. Please…?” she begged with that puppy face that always convinced me. This time was no exception.

I sighed.

“You know I hate you right? Alright, I’m going” I finally agreed.

“Oh thank you so much! By the way I love you too Rose. You’re not gonna regret this, I promise!”

“Sincerely I doubt so.”


I had agreed to go to that stupid concert on Monday morning before classes in school began. Rixton’s concert was on Friday and Shauna was fangirling all the time but I couldn’t care less about it. But I would go for her. After all she was my best friend.

Tuesday and Wednesday passed fast and soon it was Thursday. Shauna was excited as ever and all she talked about was Prixton (Rixton! I had to remind myself!).

By now I knew all their names, even with last names: Jake Roche, Charley Bagnall (the one she adored the most), Danny Wilkin and Lewi Morgan. But I couldn’t recognize them neither differentiate them.

After classes Shauna and I were heading to my flat. Shauna was going to stay the night there.

“Now that I think about it, why are you staying at my flat?” I asked as I entered in my car.

“Because I don’t want you to play sick or anything so that you won’t go with me. Besides, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep so it will be nice to have someone to talk to.”

“I think I’m not going to get any sleep tonight, am I?”

Shauna just smiled.


As I woke up I stretched all my body.

Something was wrong, and no, it wasn’t the tons of pictures of Rixton scattered all around the floor.

Neither it was Shauna lying in my couch… with a naughty smile…?

Wait… SCHOOL! There was too much light coming through my window so it must be around mid-day.

But I had set up my alarm…


“Oh come on Rose! It’s Rixton day! Just calm down and let’s get ready for tonight!”

“What? No, well, bah, what about school?” I asked worried.

“We’ll forget about it for one day, okay?” she said really calm and heading to the bathroom.


Shauna was right after all. There was nothing I could do about it right now so I just decided to go and check my wardrobe while Shauna took a shower.

I picked a simple and comfy outfit: a brown light jacket, a flower top, skinny jeans and brown boots.

Shauna came out of the bathroom 40 minutes later. Gosh, she had taken too much time to shower!

“I swear you’re going to pay the water bill Shauna” I said as I entered to the bathroom (or should I say sauna?).


I closed the door.


Mine was a quick shower. I came out of the bathroom and Shauna was already dressed and drying and curling her hair. She had separated it into two pony tails and the curls in them looked pretty good. Her hair was blonde with some pink strands. Mine was a darker blonde but it also had some pink in it, in the tips. It had been one of our last summer’s crazy choice. And I didn’t regret about it. At all.

However, Shauna looked stunning. She had picked a golden sweater, black leggings and black flats. She put a thick layer of mascara and a thick layer of pink lipstick.

“Please do not tell me you’re going to go to the concert like that” Shauna said pointing at my outfit.

I looked down to see my outfit. Was it that bad?

“Hmm, yep, why?”

She gave me an exasperated look and just turned to the mirror to keep putting her makeup on.

I also used some makeup but surely not as much as Shauna, just some lipstick and a little bit of mascara.

At 14:30 we were ready. The concert was at 19:30 so we had to hurry – according to Shauna - if we wanted a place in front of the stage (there were no numbered seats).

She looked to her reflection in the mirror one last time and smiled. I did the same thing; I checked my outfit one last time & I was satisfied with it. It was me.

“I don’t know why you try to look so perfect. I mean, we’re just going to go & listen to the noise that band makes…” I said. Worst. Mistake. Ever.

Shauna turned her head back to me like in The Exorcist.

“It. Is. Not. Noise. It. Is. Beautiful. Music.” The pause she made after each word thrilled me but also made me laugh.

“Alright, alright, let’s go to the car.”


While I was driving I thought about what I had said to Shauna about Rixton’s music. I really hadn’t heard one of their songs but Shauna said they sang and played instruments really good. In my opinion they were just another modern band that played senseless songs.

As if Shauna had listened my thoughts, she took out her iPhone and played what I think was a Rixton song. I had to admit it was really catchy.

She sighed.

“I don’t want you to look like a lost puppy when the concert starts so I’ll show you some Rixton songs. They have some original songs but they also have covered many songs. This one I’m playing is called Me And My Broken Heart. It is their debut single.

All I need’s a little love in my life

All I need’s a little love in the dark

A little but I’m hoping it might kick start

Me And My Broken Heart

Actually the song was pretty good but I wouldn’t admit that. Not in front of Shauna, the biggest fangirl ever.

Shauna showed me more songs, Wait On Me – some covers – Thong Song… and many others I couldn’t remember. But there was one I had liked the most: a cover of Route 94’s song My Love.

Now we were near the Oceanfront Arena and Shauna started to laugh and clap like a crazy.

Oh gosh, this was going to be a really long night.


Hey! Sorry for not updating yesterday but I had a problem with my computer. However, to make it up for you I'll post 3 chapters today! Yay!

Hope you liked this chapter and, well, I want to clarify something, this fanfic will go a little bit slow because, as you can see, Rose isn't a Rixton fan, so it will take her a while to get to know them well.

@_Rixton_ this chapter is for you! Thanks for voting for this fanfic and for being so cool! x

Next chapter in a moment...


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