Happy Buddy™
MorNiNg MorNiNg MorNiNg! I HaVe SoMe Very Very good NeWS For yoU!!!
I got yoU a NeW gaMe WitH tHe LaSt oF My MoNey!!!!!!!! THiS oNe'S a reaL bLaSt!!! HaVe FUN!!!!
DoN't Worry aboUt Me SPeNdiNg aLL My MoNey, I'M oKay
JUSt Stay HaPPy For Me For tHe LoVe oF aLL tHat iS hoLy Stay HaPPy THey're WatCHiNgCharlotte
The world has become such a quiet place...
So many people are dying... I watch them choke to death from my pastry shops window... Doctor Money has started selling some kind of antidote... but I don't trust him.
I will not leave my shop. as much as the loneliness pains me, I need to remain here.Salvadore
How are you doing? I have been busy carving the second leg for your table. May you eventually put a table top on it! I am starting to feel a little homesick. Perhaps it is time to end my journey? -SalvadoreHappy buddy™
THere HaVe beeN iNCideNtS oF PeoPLe gettiNg UPSet aboUt HoW Hard tHe gaMeS For DoCtor MoNey'S PortabLe ENtertaiNMeNt ProdUct are.
PLeaSe do reMeMber:
It'S Not aboUt tHoSe gaMeS. It's aboUt HaPPiNeSS!Charlotte
I found this poster in my attic. I thought it might cheer you up... then again it's not very cheerful. Maybe you want it anyway though...Dr Money
Did you get the Doctor's message? I am increasingly concerned by the way he is ignoring the people's obvious suffering... the antidote he was talking about is only being sold at a ludicrous price... He does not mean well.Salvadore
friend! The third leg of the table is finished! Huzzah! I have also started my long journey back to my home town. I would say I will probably arrive around tomorrow morning. Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces! -SalCharlotte
The doctor has lowered the price of the antidote. However, it seems to cause various vital organs to fail. People are now not only dying from the virus, but also from the Doctor's cure. I am terrified. -Charlotte
Most of my cakes have gone bad I just hope all this is over soon... I'm not sure how long I can live all alone I wish I could come visit you
I hope you are getting these letters I'm guessing you just can't respond Do letters still get delivered in times like these? I hope so. ...Are you even still alive?Salvadore
friend! this one gave me some problems, but your fourth table leg is all done now. The last part will be there shorly. -Salvadore the master woodworkerHappy Buddy™
Are yoU oKay? APPearaNtLy More aNd More iNMates are KiLLiNg tHeMSeLVeS PLeaSe doN't do tHat For yoUr SaKe aNd MiNeSalvadore
My dear friend, My goodnight present to you will be the table top. Now you finally have someting to put stuff on in your cell! I hope you actually have stuff to put on it... -Sal
Presentable Liberty
HorrorPresentable Liberty is an indie horror book. You play as an unnamed prisoner in a near-empty cell with nothing to do but read the letters a myriad of enigmatic