One day I was walking down the street but when this boy catched my eyes I was looking at him he was looking at me weird but when his girlfriend popped out I started to run like a bitch then I saw him again but he didn't come with his girlfriend then I walked up to him telling him that I like him but 5 months passed and I still liked him so from that day one he look at me like i had something on my face but then my mom said me to get some toilet paper and then I walked to the store that was around the corner I saw him but he was with another girl but this is were it gets juicey the second girl that I saw him but the girl was my aunt and then I came up to her and said you new that I like him but you still fucken did it like girl pull up I will be there 24/7 lol?
But then you won't believe it turned out that he was date my sister after he was dating my aunt so then 5 later passed and then he gave me a card saying that he was going to get married on January 6 2019 but then all the days passed it was time for his wedding and then his own brother was sitting right next to me and he said that it could of been he and the boy but I didn't care so then it was time for the other part of the wedding and then people started to dance and everything so then they started to stare at me but I didn't know what it was so then I noticed that the boy wasn't their but when I look back I see him down on one nee and he was looking at me and then he asked me if I wanted to marry him and I was crying but then this happened I fainted but then I it to a long time for me to get up but I did and he asked me again and I said yes I would but then??😵😵