One Step Closer [Lab Rats-Chaseo One-Shot]

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Sat before You Posted What?! Season three spoilers. Please enjoy. Dedication coz they like Lab Rats too :)

One of Davenport’s remote labs were in trouble of blowing up again. So of course, Adam, Bree, and Chase had to go stop it before something major happened, and Davenport lost his facility. And of course, Leo had to stow along.

He couldn’t just stand back at the lab with Big D as his boyfriend and Adam and Bree went off on a life-threatening mission. Sure, they’d gone on dangerous missions before, and there was even the one time that they had been so close to dying, and the only reason they were able to prevent it was because Leo had saved them. But this was the first time they were going on such a dangerous mission since he and Chase had started sneaking around.

Leo honestly had no idea when he even realized he’d fallen for his step-brother. No, wait, he’d fallen for him after the Marcus-Douglas incident, when Chase had been in danger. Something inside Leo had driven him to realize that his feelings for Chase had grown into something more than brotherly.

He didn’t do anything about it until Douglas moved in however. After the former evil-genius had found Leo’s journal with his feelings for Chase written on every single page of it, he wouldn’t leave them alone. Leo had thought that maybe Douglas wouldn’t want them together, or would be against it, but he had been the one to suggest Leo finally tell Chase how he felt. So, Leo did.

It had been during the night, when Chase was supposed to be in his capsule sleeping, but he was wandering around the house. Leo had ran into him on his way to the bathroom, and taken the time to reveal his feelings. That night was the first night they kissed, the first night Leo knew true electricity.

They snuck around since, Douglas helped more, and everything was going just fine. No one else knew besides Douglas. Not Adam, not Bree, not Tasha, and not Donald. No one, nada, nilch. It was between the three of them, and it was nice.

Anyways, so this was the first really dangerous mission since Leo got to claim Chase as his boyfriend that the three bionic teens were going on. And Leo wasn’t about to sit back and possibly let his boyfriend of three weeks get obliterated.

So, he snuck on the plane headed towards some Island in the pacific where there was a volcano about to erupt. Why in the world Big D made a lab at the bottom of a volcano, Leo would never understand, but he’d learn not to question some of his erratic behaviors early on.

    Leo was starting to wonder why he’d come on the mission because they were settling everything just fine. Or until Adam accidentally used his super-strength to smash Davenport’s invention that was supposed to save most of the lab from the lava. And then Chase sat on Leo’s foot, causing Leo to let out a huge squeak. Chase got up quickly, and looked under the blanket he’d sat on the edge of.

    “Leo?” he asked.

    “Chase, buddy!” Leo exclaimed, crawling off from under his blanket. “That was some wild nap. I must’ve sleepwalked onto the jet.”

    “Leo!” Bree exclaimed. “This is a dangerous mission. I thought Mr. Davenport told you to stay at the lab.”

    “Big D won’t miss me,” Leo stated.

    Chase held out his earpiece to Leo, who took it. He could hear Davenport’s yelling in his ear. “Leo! You stowed away on a mission! You better return home alive because I am not dealing with your mom yelling at me because her son died from lava!”

    “Yes Big D,” Leo said. “And really? Are you surprised I stowed away? How many times has this happened? You should’ve seen it coming.” And then he handed the earpiece back to Chase who looked at Leo humorously.

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