Chapter 23

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Dinner went pretty smoothly after that awkward moment between Sofia and Ace. Ace's parents asked about how California is like and if I am excited for tour. They left 20 minutes ago and now Ace is getting ready to head home. We basically talked about some childhood memories and caught up on everything that has happened in our lives. Even though I knew the majority of it. Sofia just sat there and watched us from a distance. She kept glaring at the both of us especially me since I didn't tell Ace the truth yet. My dad started to complain about how Sofia is just sitting there staring at us so he basically forced her to help put some dishes away.

"Well it was great seeing you Mia. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, It was good seeing you again."

 Ace and I hug and as soon as Ace was about to leave Sofia says, "WAIT MIA HAS TO TELL YOU SOMETHING."

"Oh, uhm what is it?"

"Yea Mia what is it?" My dad says as he takes a sip of his beer.

"Uh... that uh.."

"She is trying to say that she is-"

"I AM GOING TO MISS YOU!" I scream which causes my dad to burst out laughing.

"I am going to miss you too? You have my number so just text me and stuff." Ace chuckles.

"No... What Mia meant to say is that she is-"

"GOING TO TALK TO SOFIA FOR A QUICK SECOND." I say as I pull Sofia upstairs.

"Bitch what the fuck, you were almost there. You just need to say the magic words that YOU ARE ACTUALLY MA-"

I cover her mouth so Ace can't hear that last part. "Sofia please this doesn't feel right. Can I just please tell Ace some other time. I promise I will tell him by New Years Eve."

"You really think I am stupid? Hell to the fucking no." She tries to walk back down stairs but I block her path.

"Please Sofia? I promise that I will tell him, I just don't feel like now is a good time."

"What the hell are you waiting for? Jesus himself to tell you when the "good time" will come? Mia just do it already, rip it off like a band aid and tell him already."

"Sofia... Please?"

Sofia looks at me and rolls her eyes. "Okay fine."

I smile as she sticks up her middle finger at me and we head back downstairs.

Ace looks at me and smiles and says,"I Should really head home."

"Alright well take care, if you ever miss me too much just give me a call." I say as he kisses my forehead.

"I promise I will. Maybe you can get me some tickets for your tour." 

"Definitely!" I say as I give him one last hug.

"Oh, what was that thing you needed to tell me?" Ace asks.

"Oh uh, just that you look really good."

Ace blushes and says,"Thanks Mia, I swear every time I see you, you just get even more beautiful."

"Okay y'all are so fucking cringey. GOODBYE ACE!" Sofia says as she pushes Ace out the door.

"Good bye to you too Sofia." Ace laughs.

We exchanged goodbyes again for the final time and Sofia slams the door shut.

"Thank you lord that lover boy is finally gone. I feel like you guys said goodbye like 7,000 times already." Sofia huffs as she dramatically falls on the couch.

"Sofia is always the one to kill the mood." My dad says as he kicks his feet up on the coffee table.

"The mood was already killed when Mia wouldn't tell Ace the damn truth."

"Sofia, I just don't feel comfortable to tell him yet." I sigh as I sit down next to her.

The front door opens as my grandparents finally came back from their double date.

"Oh look who it is, Ms. Mia Williams, I wonder where Maya is." My grandma teases as she hangs her coat.

"Hopefully she is dead." Sofia says as she storms upstairs to the guest room.

"Well that wasn't very nice." My grandpa says as he sits down next to me.

"So did you finally tell Ace the truth?" My grandma says as she gives me a hug.

"Mom what do you think?" My dad says as he gets up to throw away his empty bottle of beer.

"Honey, you didn't tell that poor boy yet?"

"I will tell him soon okay... just not now." 

"Okay enough about Ace, how was the parade?" My grandpa says as he turns off the TV.

"It was amazing! Everything that I hoped it would be. I am just tired of my mom managing me, I need to tell her sooner or later that I need to find a new Manager."

"Sweetie I think that you have a better chance of telling Ace the truth than your mother." My grandma says as my dad and Grandpa start to laugh.

"I just want my mom to be an actual mother to me, instead of this uptight woman who makes poor decisions for me."

"Well Mia what ever you do and decide, I am gonna support you all the way." Grandma smiles and gives me a hug. "Now it is getting late and I know you are very tired so just go get some rest."

"Okay, good night everyone, love you."

They all said good night back and I began to head up stairs. As I opened my door, I heard the guest room door open up too.

"Goodnight Mia, I love you. Also like what your grandma said, I am gonna support you with what ever you decide to do." Sofia smiles,"I still hate your ass for not telling him but it's fine."

"Thanks? Goodnight Sofia, Love you too."

We both closed our doors and started getting ready for bed.

When will Mia tell Ace? ......

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