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An: a concept of Erin can be seen above!!
Art by: me

The summer breeze encompassing New York City was hot and sticky.

An annual event was being held in Times Square, and swarms of anticipating people crowded around a small one-person platform. The ecstatic roar of the audience was deafening as April O'Neil, whom was given the task by a certain mutant turtle to capture a video of the featured dancer on his mobile phone, made way toward the front of the pack.

She grunted and mutter profanities under her breath as she shoved passed a large man and dodged an elbow to the face, pushing her way to the front just as a familiar brunette girl — followed by two others who stood at her sides — stepped on top of her platform with a microphone held in her hand. April scrambled to get her video ready, and stumbled a bit to the side as another burst of excitement echoed through the sea of people swallowing her.

From the rooftops of NYC, Hamato Donatello sat on a ridge, chin held slackly in his palm as he dawned down at the scene of Times Square. Erin Hall's public dance competitions were one of the few things that were capable of dragging the science-guru out of his hole every year, even if he was only able to watch from afar. Even from where he sat, he could see Erin's wide grin as she greeted the anticipating crowd; hear the bellowing of the people at the sound of her sing-songy voice.

"Afternoon, lady's 'n gents!" Erin spoke into her microphone, eliciting yet another wave of whooping. Her free hand rose and waved in greeting. "I warmly welcome you all to the annual Dance Hall! As a friendly reminder, this event will be featured on my channel in the coming days, and I'll be picking the best of the best to be entered into the video!"

Another roar of cheering vibrated the air and echoed up to the rooftop Donnie sat at. He smiled as she did, adjusting his cheek in his palm as he watched Erin jump down from her platform.

"Let's get this thing started!" Erin sang, standing in between her two dancer friends with her free hand on her hip. "And remember, this is all in good fun!"

Erin offered the spreading crowd a cute wink before handing off her mic to the DJ she presumably hired to provide music for the event. The high-school looking boy flipped his hat backwards on his head, popped his knuckles, and maneuvered his headphones over his ears.

Donnie shuffled forward in his seat and stuck his neck out — trying to pinpoint April's pigtails in the sea of people surrounding Erin. He saw her hand clutching onto his phone stuck up into the air to get a good angle on the dance that was about to start, and grinned as the music proceeded to blast from the speakers below.

April, whom was sandwiched between two of her classmates from school, struggled to keep the phone in the air and watch Erin's performance at the same time. She caught quick glimpses of her from behind a boy who danced around along to the song that was playing, and again grunted as she shoved herself out from in between the two girls from school.

As a result, April flung out of the ring of people surrounding Erin and her friends, and fell flat on her knees in front of Erin. She jumped back to avoid falling with April, and the action halted the performance. April felt her stomach jump into her throat as the cheering suddenly stopped, and stiffed in her position on the floor when she looked up at Erin; whom stared down at her with slightly widened eyes.

"Are you okay, April?" Erin asked, kneeling down to help her up.

"I — uh," she stuttered, taking the hand she offered and stumbling to her feet. "You know who I am?"

Call Me Cupid ((ROTTMNT DONNIE X OC))Where stories live. Discover now