Broken 2

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Jungkook POV

Today I found out something.

Jin hyung would go to Jimin's house every day..

I asked him if I can come with him.
"He doesn't want to see you, don't you understand that?" He said.

"I know....but I want to say sorry..." I said. Jin hyung shake his head.
"I just wish you didn't treat him so bad...."

"I won't, I promise" I said. He sigh and said "Fine then, but if he ends up kicking you then it's not my problem"

And so we went there.

Jimin open the door, smiling widely but when he look at me, he stopped.

"Y-You brought h-him Jin hyung?" Jimin said. Jin hyung ruffle Jimin's hair and said "I'm here so it's okay"

We both entered inside. 

"Jimin can you come with me for a second?" Jin hyung said. Jimin hyung nodded and Jin hyung was whispering.

I saw Jimin's face changed from confused to horrified.

Then Jin hyung came to me and said "I'm leaving you two alone, call me immediately when Jimin needs me"

And then he left.

It was quiet in the living room. I clear my throat and said "'s life?"

He didn't answer me. "Do you want a drink?" He said. "Sure.."

He nodded and went to the kitchen.

I look around the house and my eyes landed at the picture frame.

I took it and stare at the picture.

It was a picture of Seokjin and Jimin hugging each other.

I smile a little.
Jimin looks safe with Jin hyung....

"Here..." Jimin gave me the drink. "Thank you" I place the picture frame back and drink.

Nobody spoke a single word.

" look good..." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. He blink his eyes. "Oh okay"

Silence once again.

This is so awkward....

"Hyung?" He look at me. "Hm?"

I put down my drink and clasp my hand together. "I wanna say sorry...for everything..."

His eyes widen and then he look down at the floor.
".....I....can't forgive you..."

I sigh. "I understand but I've changed! Believe me hyung! I really do!"

He shake his head, smiling fakely. "You've changed yes, that's right but the things you did will never make me forget"

I was getting frustrated. I just want him to forgive me. Is it that hard?

"Why can't you just forgive me? I was an asshole that time and I knew that Jimin hyung"

He didn't say anything and stand up.
"Where are you going?" I asked. He open the drawer and handed me a book.

"I want to give this to you"

I stare at it. The book was a maroon color with a gold lock on the right.
"Here's the key, don't lose it" he said and gave me the small silver key.

"Why would you give this to me?" I asked. I wanted him to forgive me, not a book.

He smile a little and said "That is my diary, I want you to read it and then you can come back if you want...."

Jikook Stories 2 [Completed] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now