Sleepover with the legendary Sasuke

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Author: Sasuke your going to have to show, your sensitive side soon.

*characters read script*

Sasuke: I'd sooner die

Emiko: I agree with him.

Author: WHHAT?! (O-O) ??

Sasuke: I refuse to do this.

Emiko: It is far, fetched.

Author: Are you telling me, you won't fall in love if Sasuke came on a white horse declaring his love for you? And you ride off into the sunset?

Sasuke: Exactly

Emiko: Yip

Author: *cries in a corner* Just start the chapter already!

- - - - - Chapter 7 - - - - - -

"Where you running off to, Emiko-chan?" I stopped dead in my tracks, and turned around laughing nervously. "Oh you know just exploring the Leaf Village..." Ken looked at me, disbelieving but didn't push me further. "Okay well...try not to come back so late." "Yeah sure, I'll be here early." He beamed at me, "So we going to the festival together?" I was already by the door, opening it "Yeah, Definitely maybe." Slamming the door shut, I bolted towards the gardens before telerporting back into Konoha. The never ending smell of pines, and wood waffed over me. I wonder what I can do today? Placing my index finger under my chin, walking in my "thinking pose" I thought of things I could do today. "I could visit Hinata-chan...or I could see what Kiba-kun's up to." Passing Villagers they greeted me warmly, I smiled and greeted them back. My fingers trailed over my weapons pouch, feeling the extra bulge in it. "I'm a Leaf Ninja now..." I whispered to myself, turning a different way then my usual left. I found Kakashi-sensei at some sort of silver monument. He looked so sad.."Kakashi-sensei, you okay?" I asked him, while peering at him. He jerked back, and stared at me in shock. "Oh its just you Eliko." I deadpanned at him, "Its Emiko." Giving him, a very unimpressed stare. He rubbed his neck sheepishly, "I'm sorry haha." "I thought I was bad at names." Giving him a lazy smile. "I should get going, see you later Eliko." Glaring daggers at him, "EMIKO!" I screeched at him. He *poofed* away, and I stood their alone. "Stupid Kaka-sensei. With his stupid hair , and stupid- "Are you okay, little one?" Jumping up, my Shi no me activated, due to the fright. Looking up, at the Hokage I went deep red. "I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to activate gave me a fright and I-"Its okay, I am very aware of the Cloud Village's Kekkie Genkai's." He smiled at me, I blushed and deactivated it. "I'm sorry..that was very embarrassing." He chuckled, geez I activated my Shi no me to the HOKAGE. I might as well have put a sword to his throat. I really didn't mean to. "Emiko don't worry, I'm sorry for frightening you." His voice was deep and raspy, I think he smokes. "W-well what brings you here?" I asked while gesturing about. "This is the Memorial Stone. It is engraved with all the Village Ninja's, who died in the war." My eyes flashed to the Kunai shaped monument, true to his word. There were ninja's names. "So you came here to mourn?" I asked, a breeze picked up bringing the smell of flowers. "Yes, and no." He replied while looking at me. "I wanted to talk to you, about your...Leaf Citizenship." His going to take it away..."I'm aware, one of the sensei's gave you the headband. I...I agree." My breath hitched, "I would like you to become a Leaf Citizen, I know you'll find this place like home." He smiled to me and patted my head, "I-I-I don't know w-what to say." Breathing deeply, "There is a old history, in this Village. We have a fire within our souls, it burns to protect its Villagers." He smiled at me, "I believe you have it to." I stared at him, in awe. "S-so I can stay here? Permanently?" I asked, he nodded his head. "It is all up to you in the end, but I believe this place is your real home." With that he walked away, leaving me alone with my thoughts. "Well..that was intense." I mumbled to myself, I sat beside the stone not trusting my legs. "I should tell Naruto." Bolting up, I ran towards his house.

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