Lunacy beyond words.

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My beloved readers, I ask this with all of my heart... Because I'd really appreciate if you voted for my story. :( I work really hard on it, and I've never updated like 3 years later.(some authors do that)

So please?

Pretty please? All I ask, is some votes man...not so much :(



-[Chapter 25]-


"To fly?" I asked, Hideo quizzically. "Yes fly, are you deaf?" He snapped, I glared at him.

I think Yoshio's gentle ways, softened me up. Hideo was more blunt, to the point.

"You are brilliant at Wind jutsu's, thanks to the old Kings, training."

Dokoro was the best... I always wondered why, he abdicated his throne. "But your water, earth and fire is pathetic." "Wow anything else?" He actually thought, about it! "IM BEING SARCASTIC!" "Oh your sarcasm, it too is rather, crap." I deadpanned at him.



We were standing by the cliffs, the highest point, of the Cloud Villages mountains. Yes, a cloud village, had a mountain. He tossed his hair aside, trying to look "heroic." I snorted at the idea.

"But! After this month, I'll have you doing Wind, Fire and Lightning!" My muscles cried, at that demand.

"So for your Wind training." He said, his voice becoming serious.

"You have to take your clothing off."

"WHAT!?" I screamed.

"Its the only way."

"The only way my ASS!"

"Your just going to be naked."


"I've seen everything you have, and don't have." The last bit, really ticked me off.

"I am not. Taking. My. Clothing off!"

~ || 15 minutes later || ~

This was beyond, ridiculous. My cheeks were flaring, as I stood with my head hung low. Hideo told me, I could keep my underwear on... (Thankfully) He was also, in his underwear wearing a grey underpants.

"Why?" I whined, he looked down at me. "Why what?" I gestured, towards my - almost -nudity.

"To adapt. Feel the wind."

"I feel stupid."

"Close enough."

We were by the cliffs, furthest and highest point of our land.

It was extremely windy, and my ass was freezing off.

"C-c-can I p-p-please put a s-shirt on." Clutching my frozen, body.

He sighed, and shook his head.

"Get into position." He stated.

"Don't say that!"

"What? Why?" He asked confused.

"It sounds weird when we're like this..." He anime fell, onto the ground. "YOU'RE 12 YEARS OLD! I'M THIRTY-FIVE! THERE IS NO ATTRACTION!" He screamed, I glared at him.

I assumed my fighting stance, he scrutinised my position. "Seem's alright." He muttered, then stood on my left. "The first thing we are, going to learn, is how to shoot wind attacks." That seemed simple enough....

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