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*Matt's P.O.V*

Me and Daniela go into the supermarket and get a shopping basket to put everything in it. We go up and down all the isles joking around and grabbing stuff we need.

After we have everything we go to check out. The bill comes to $50. She insisted on paying but I didn't let her so I paid and we went back to the car. We put all the stuff in the back of the car and went back home to everyone.

Once we got there we went to the backyard where Cameron and Nash were setting up the fire. I grabbed a couple of the sun loungers and put them around the fire so we could all sit down.

The fire eventually started going and we all sat down in the circle of sun loungers. We were all talking about the old times with Magcon and when we all used to hang out everyday.

"Guys, how long have you got till you leave?" Dani says with her head down.

"We leave in 2 days" replies Taylor. Daniela cuddles into me. I know how upset she was to hear that. She hates saying goodbye. Especially to her best friends.

"Don't worry Dani! We will all see each other soon and we can do this all over again" says Cameron trying to cheer her up.

"I love you guys" she says and hugs Aaron who is sat the other side of her.

"We love you too girl" says Jack J in a girly voice and we all laugh.

For the rest of the night we make s'mores and other snacks and talk for hours. By 1:30 everyone was starting to get tired so we put out the fire and put all the blankets and pillows down on the floor in the living room for one last time before they leave.

Daniela cuddles up to me once we all lay down.

"Don't worry, we will see them again soon" I say and kiss her forehead.

"Soon isn't close enough" she says and closes her eyes and goes to sleep.

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