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"Who wants hot coco? And no, I'm not talking about me." Coco asked with a dumb smile and the rest of the coven knew exactly what she was going to say since she had used the line at least four times by now.

"Thank you Coco." Cordelia said as the blonde and Mallory hurried into the kitchen to make hot chocolate for the girls. Cordelia looked around to see Queenie and Zoe laughing at something on Madison's phone and she glared at Zoe as the brunette leant over just a bit too close to Madison's face. When the blonde looked up they shared a suggestive look, their faces barely an inch apart. The supreme had her suspicions for weeks now, that there was something fishy going on between them and it's not that Cordelia was against it but she just wished that the girls would tell her.

"Okay, I'm gonna go take a quick shower before not so hot coco brings the drinks." Madison got up from the couch and left the room, leaving a vacant space between Queenie and Zoe. Just before she left, the blonde whispered something in Zoe's ear that caused the younger witch's face to turn a bright pink colour and that only provided more evidence for the case that the two were in a relationship. Queenie seemed to hear what Madison said and tried to hold in a chuckle, only making Cordelia feeling more in the dark.

"What's the joke girls?" Cordelia asked just a bit too forcefully, earning a puzzled look from the girls.

"Sorry, Delia. Moment's over." Madison stated as she left the room and left Queenie and Zoe still processing what she had said to the brunette. This only heightened the supreme's curiosity but before she could say anything, Coco and Mallory returned with a tray of hot chocolate while Zoe was just about to leave.

"Well, as fun as this has been, I'm teaching tomorrow so I better get some sleep." Zoe said unconvincingly.

Coco's expression dropped and she stuck out her bottom lip as Zoe left the room "But Coco just made coco." She said sullenly.

"Can Coco hurry her ass up and give me a cup?" Queenie complained before chuckling "Zoe ain't gonna be getting no sleep tonight."

Cordelia gazed at Queenie as if she had just confirmed her ongoing suspicions but she decided to leave the young witches alone for now. Contrarily, Cordelia wasn't going to just let this go as she felt sort of betrayed that the girls wouldn't tell her what was going on. She sipped on her drink and narrowed her eyes, as she made her personal mission to catch Zoe and Madison together, even if it was the last thing she did.

Zoe walked up the stairs softly, trying as hard as she could not to attract too much attention from the witches downstairs. She glanced around the hallway to make sure the coast was clear, even though she was going to her own room, but someone's grip on her arm swiftly stopped her, almost pinning her against the wall in the process. The corners of her mouth turned up to form a smile as she recognised Madison's face in the dark.

"I thought she was never gonna let you leave." Madison complained but before Zoe could respond the blonde had already leant in and planted a soft kiss on the younger witch's lips. "At least now I have you all to myself."

"Yeah, about that." Zoe started guiltily "I think we should sort keep our relationship a bit more secretive. Just until we're ready for the coven to know."

Madison eased back a bit and sighed "Oh please, the whole coven knows except from Delia. Are you embarrassed or something?"

"No! Of course I'm not embarrassed, actually the opposite." Zoe wrapped her arms around the shorter girl's waist and smiled "Not everyone can say that they're dating a movie star."

"You're right. You are a lucky girl." Madison teased as she secured her lips against Zoe's, feeling like she was actually the lucky one in that moment as she was able to safely say that she was with the love of her life and not many people could say that. There was the minor issue of Cordelia but Madison knew that the supreme would obviously accept their relationship with open arms since she kind of had her own thing going on with Misty and had become even more kind from that. Zoe lay back on the bed as Madison rested her head on the taller girl's chest. If you had ever told the old Madison Montgomery that she would be cuddling with Zoe Benson at 10 at night instead of getting wasted, she probably would have laughed in your face but she was most definitely not that person anymore, and she had now become the person she had to be for Zoe and the coven.

The next morning, Zoe and Madison hadn't come down for breakfast much to Cordelia's dismay so she decided to take some pancakes upstairs for them. As she walked down the hall with the tray, Cordelia put her ear towards the door and heard what she made out to be moaning.

"Oh my god Madison, that feels so good." Zoe's muffled voice said from the other side of the door, causing Cordelia's eyes widen. The supreme wanted to respect the young couple's privacy and walk away but she felt as if this was her one and only chance to catch them in the act. Her contemplating ended when she heard Madison almost shouted "Yes." Shortly, Coco and Mallory stood by Cordelia to see what she was doing but were immediately shushed by her so they decided to roll with it.
Cordelia, followed by Coco and Mallory, burst into the room and yelled "Aha! I knew it!"

Zoe and Madison - both fully clothed - looked up at her in confusion. Madison was kneeling behind Zoe with her hands on the other girl's shoulders and a laptop next to her. Cordelia placed the tray onto the drawer and folded her arms sternly. "What's going on girls?"

"Well, before you three came storming in like a fucking herd of spazzy elephants , I was giving Zoe a shoulder massage." Madison explained.

"Well then... why were you shouting 'Yes'?" Cordelia asked in confusion.

Zoe lifted up the laptop to show a massage tutorial video that Madison had apparently been cursing at the whole time, which was pretty plausible. Cordelia was now left there with a blushing face as she realised how inappropriate she had just been while Coco and Mallory were trying to stifle their laughter. "Well then... I'll leave you to it."

The trio left Zoe and Madison alone in their room even though the couple could still hear Coco and Mallory's mocking laughter which they also found funny. The blonde fell back onto the bed and sighed "Sometimes, I kind of feel bad we're leaving Cordelia in the dark but other times... I find it fucking hilarious messing with her."

Zoe smiled as Madison leaned upwards and just as she placed her lips against hers, the door burst open abruptly and Cordelia stood their with the most smug expression the girl's had seen. "I knew it!" She shouted as she pointed in triumph and almost out of breath.

"Great, you know. Now what? You gonna plan the wedding?" Madison joked but Zoe's eyes widened at the word wedding. "Relax babe. It was a joke... kind of."

Zoe's wide eyed expression returned but Cordelia's seemed to fade. "What's wrong now, Delia? No more couple's privacy to invade?"

The supreme leaned against the doorway and answered "Actually, yes. I'm gonna miss trying to solve this case but I'm glad you girls don't feel like you have to conceal your relationship anymore."

On that note, Cordelia left Zoe and Madison to be on their own together and as much as she was happy she finally find out the truth, she was still slightly upset that that was the last mystery of the coven all solved. But little did she know that the mystery of Zoe Benson and Madison Montgomery had truly just begun.

A/N: So this was kind of last minute but I hope you guys like it anyway!

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