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"Madison. You have five seconds to unlock that door before I burn it down!" Cordelia shouted from the outside of Madison and Zoe's room.

Zoe, Mallory, and Coco approached the supreme to see what was causing so much of a commotion at 9 in the morning. "What's going on?" Zoe asked Cordelia, wondering why she was shouting at the blonde in her room. Cordelia turned around let out a sigh of relief "Oh, Zoe. Thank God."

The young witch sported a look of confusion when Cordelia dragged her to the door "Madison won't come out of your room."

"Why?" Coco and Mallory asked at the same time.

"Because today she has a dentist appointment to have her wisdom teeth removed and she refuses to go." Cordelia explained.

"Um... witches have to get their wisdom teeth removed?" Mallory asked, feeling slightly dumb. She had assumed that witches wouldn't have to do things as mundane as getting your wisdom teeth removed but she had thought wrong.

"Even witches don't have perfect teeth. And Madison has been complaining about the pain for weeks so she is going to that appointment today. Even if I have to kill her and resurrect her at the dentist's office."

"Don't worry Cordelia. I've got this." Zoe stepped closer to the door "Madison. It's Zoe."

There was no reply from the other side of the door for a few moments until finally the other witches heard some crashing and shuffling before Madison finally opened the door with a pout. "You can't make me go."

Zoe couldn't help but laugh at Madison's childish attitude and honestly, it felt good to have a problem that wasn't a life or death situation for once. Madison was about to close the door again but the taller girl stopped it with her hand. "Come on, Madison. It's not going to be that bad, we'll be with you the whole time."

Madison gave Zoe a hard stare before finally giving in "Ugh, fine. I hate you all." The blonde stormed out of the room and used her telekinesis to knock over a vase on the way down the stairs. Cordelia put her hands on her hips and stared at Madison as she walked down the stairs. "Getting that girl to actually listen is like a wonder of its own."


Zoe sat in the passenger seat and Madison in the back with Queenie, as Cordelia drove them to the dentist's. Madison was restless and kept on trying to divert them every chance she got, but Zoe knew that nothing was going to stop Cordelia from taking the blonde to the dentist, even if the supreme had to pull out the teeth her self.

"I need to pee." Madison complained, for the millionth time.

Cordelia tightened her grip on the steering wheel and and took in a deep breath "Madison, you can go when we get to the dentist's."

The blonde huffed and unbuckled her seat belt so that she could poke her head between the two front seats. "But I need to go now!"

"Madison Montgomery, sit back right now." Cordelia knew that if there was one thing that would make Madison listen, it was her harsh motherly voice. The starlet shot Cordelia a dirty look before sitting back in her seat and crossing her arms, annoyed. Zoe looked back at her and tried to stifle a laugh when she saw Madison cursing at Cordelia under her breath. Queenie looked at the three witches in what could only be described as disgusted confusion "I can't believe y'all dragged me here."

Madison turned to face her friend "Oh, I'm sorry. If my pain is boring you, we'll just drop you off to the nearest fast food place. I'm sure you'll be right at home there." She snapped.

"Bitch!" Queenie held her fist up and instead of punching Madison, she hit her own face right in the jaw. Within a second, Madison yelled in pain and held her jaw. Cordelia looked in the car mirror to see what was going on "Girls, no fighting... or at least not with magic."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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