I hate people who fake being depressed, or fake anything to get attention. if you want that fake attention go anywhere but here cause I'll just end up socking you one. But seriously they really piss me off cause I have depression and it ain't pretty, and when people fake it, I just loose it.
I have this one friend ....... let's call her, Emily. we'll Emily says her family thinks she's fat, but that's a lie cause her mum is really nice. and she also say she thinks she fat, but you can see that look on we face that says she lying, and it really pisses me off.
If you are going to fake it PISS OFF, and the worst thing is when we tell her stop lying she say 'but I'm NOT, I'm serious guys' and gets that look on her face. And she's one of my best friends, which sucks cause I love her but she can really piss me off.
So if you fake that shit get the fuck away from me unless you want a broken nose.