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I have a burning passion for hating shopping centres, (expect the pet shop, you cant hate the pet shop), the people in the shopping centres are so rude, okay why don't you just of hit my with you FUCKING BAG, you know getting hit in the eye by a coat hanger DOSE HURT.

And when people take forever, HURRY THE FUCK UP WE ALL HAVE LIVES HERE, WE WANT TO LIVE THEM. They take forever to move on, like seriously MOVE BITCH GET OUT THE WAY. (Sorry had to put that in).

I really don't want to hear your medical problem, go to the doctor not the cashier who probably can't get a better paying job then 7.50 and hour!

And parents who don't restrain there kids, like the other day I was shopping with my dad, he is completely clueless, and I was crouching down trying to find this particular thing, when this little dick comes running up and pulling my hair, the mum is watching me fucking screaming bloody murder squirming on the ground trying to get the kid to let go of my hair. When I finally get the kid to let go of my hair and I'm holding him out in front of me, the fucking bitch laughs, OH HELL NO, so I throw the kid at her. She screamed, dropped the stuff in her hands and tyres to catch the dick. FUCK YOU BTICH.

That was a true story my friend!!

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