cHapter 4
What she didn't know is that michael used his spooky abilities and possesed the police dude and killed his mother for revenge. Lol. take that libtard. Owned epic Ben Sharpio style 😎. And then he killed his new police dude because police suck. (my dad is in prison guys please pray for him :((((( :3
Then satan came andcresurected Micheal's real body but something seemed wrong... his skin was redder than a Heinz #43 tomato ketchup bottle (spooky, i don't like Heinz it's gross so it extra spooky) and his bulge was full of pus because he got clamidia from hell (my dad has it so please pray for him for that as well). His hair was cloted with a maxture of blood and his own pus from his owo censored place (OwO whats dis?) and then he came all over his self with a mixture of pus and piss and blood and poop and tears and sweat and milk and stomach acid and intestinal juices and tissue liquid and kidney stones and kiwi juce and pickle juce and lighter fluid and gasoline with a lighter in his hand.
"FLIP this crap, i'm going to hell now"
Then he lit himself on fire and survived because the kiwi juice projected (saved)him because kiwi juice is magic and grown in giant patches of fire resistance potions.
His boxers were kevlar (what's kevlar??) so he could'nt get shot in the peepee.
He thought "Why is AIDS called that? It clearly doesnt aid anyone, it should be called cripples". His questions were answered when a syrynge of aids was ingected into him, he grew super strength and beat his meat for a fine burger patty but the man who michael took his eyes came back and called his burgers lame, so michael turned him into a burger and 8 him.
(Idk how to spel it sorry :(
That's how micheal became a really good burger chef.
Micheal the Murderer
HorrorBY ILOVEJEFFTHEKILLAH01 AND HIS BEST BUDDY _SANSUNDERFELLSWAP1_ Inspired by shmingay's scary knife dude on deviantarrt: