17. A Kiss Goodbye

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The first rays of sunlight find us in the middle of the forest closest to the troll lands. King Finvarra thought it best to depart the kingdom before daylight so his people wouldn't see our caravan and worry that things weren't as perfect and peaceful as they seem to be in Forever. Traveling with Roane was sure to bring about rumors of which he wished to avoid. I don't mind rumors as much as I fear any violence. Though Roane had his weapons returned him, this is the faerie realm. And unlike the nether bridges, here we won't just meet a handful of trolls. It will be the two of us against a mob of angry faeries.

Around me, the guards check their weapons and supplies one last time. Dressed in black cloaks and attire, they look like ink blots against the white snow. I, too, wear black, and it's fitting; I feel as if in mourning. Where we're going is synonymous with death, and it's chilled me to the core from the moment I woke up in Roane's arms.

Stroking the brown mare I was assigned, I look to where Roane speaks with Finvarra. Despite my mood, it's impossible not to smile. Though Finvarra's iciness is palpable, there is a sense of respect in how he regards Roane. And while Roane wants to appear unaffected, his admiration for Finvarra is clear.

But my smile falls and I rest my head against the mare's neck. Will whatever advice Finvarra gives him be enough to keep Roane safe and away from the darkness he's set to inherit? Will the memories we've made keep him safe and grounded as evil fights him for control of his body, of his soul? Worry swells in my throat and squeezes tears into my eyes.

"You worry for him."

Queen Leanna appears beside me. With her pale skin and white coat she is one with the surrounding snow, and just as beautiful. Her dark eyes are keen, however, and when she looks at me, I can't deny the truth and nod. "I worry for him and for another. Roane has to face darkness now," I say. "And I left someone behind that may be facing their own troubles, and I can't do anything to keep them from it. It's like whichever way I turn, I'm losing someone I love and I'm terrified." 

My first tear spills onto my cheek. 

She moves before me and brushes it away. "I, too, almost lost Finvarra once. Darkness wished to take him away and ruin these lands, but we fought it with everything we had." She looks to him and a sad smile tips her lips, her expression touched by memory. She gazes back to me, eyes darkened with conviction. "As much as it wishes to grip you, you cannot fear. It will rob you of your magic when you need it most. Besides, you carry with you the one thing that can dispel this evil." Pressing a hand upon my heart, she nods once. "Remember love. You must fight for it even when you think all is lost. It's never gone until we let it go."

A cold wind blows, sending frost swirls from the trees. We turn to Roane and Finvarra approaching. Around us, the sentries have mounted their horses and await Finvarra's word. My heart pounds, but Leanna looks at me and I bolster myself in the memory of her words. Roane doesn't need my fear, not when I know he has a heart full of his own.

"It's time," he says. "We should be to the caves by midday." Taking the reins from my hands, he turns to Finvarra. "Thank you again for everything. I am indebted to you."

"Our debts are settled." He extends a pale hand. Roane meets it, and they clasp one another's wrists.

A part of my heart swells feeling as though before going into the darkness, we've already won a battle. But as they release one another and I remember our destination, my heart dims in knowing the war is yet to come.


It no longer rains in the troll lands and sunlight threads over my eyes. I lift the hood of my cloak over my head and turn away from the sun, though a part of me thinks I should bear it, however much it stings my eyes. Once we're in the Nether, there's no saying when I'll see sunlight again.

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