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Throughout the whole world, there was panic and fear because of the strange events happening. Earthquakes destroyed buildings, and volcano eruptions of volcanoes that were dormant for decades. No one could explain what was happening. This whole event lasted for one hour. After that, the whole world was about to change.

An energy wave swept through the whole world. No one could explain where that energy wave came from. In a single night, more than half of the world's population either died, or changed in to zombies. When morning came, reports from all over the world came of people eating other peoples, and human beings with abilities. The military opened rescued people and brought them back to their bases.

Zhu Yin and her group also felt the energy wave. After that, they all fell unconscious. After waking up everyone felt different. As though something within them has changed. Zhu Yin was looking at the news, and the casualties so far. It seemed as though all humans were unconscious when and because of that, the zombies were able to kill a lot of people in just a single night.

"Gege, look what's happening." Everyone gathered around Zhu Yin to look at the news. They had a solemn expression on their faces. There was chaos everywhere, and Zhu Shen and Ji Ning knew that the apocalypse was happening. They looked at each other, and could see that from now on, it's the survival of the fittest.

Ji Ning looked at everyone and said, "We can't stay here anymore. We have to go to a military base as soon as possible before things become even more dangerous." Everyone nodded their heads. But before that, Zhu Yin wanted to know everyone's abilities. Zhu Yin decided to tell everyone about her abilities and when they awakened.

"Gege, there's something that I have to tell you." Zhu Shen looked at his sister's serious face and went to sit by her side. Ji Ning also joined them.

"Gege, a week ago, I had a strange dream. In the dream I saw, that the world was being destroyed by natural disasters. And then I saw people eating each other. That dream lasted for a long time. I saw that you had died. After I woke up, I felt really scared to think if the dream would come true. But I thought it was a dream, so I didn't believe it would come true. Until," Zhu Yin looked at Zhu Shen, and took a deep breath to continue, "I felt my body heating up. It was painful at first, but then it became comfortable. I felt two types of energies in my body. I realized that I gained abilities. They were the ability to control fire, and space ability
That's when I knew that there's a possibility of the dream coming true. That's why for the past week, I've been shopping so much. I was preparing in case the dream came true. And it seemed as though I was right. The dream did come true. I wanted to tell you this before, but I thought you wouldn't believe me. Sorry Gege."

Everyone was astonished hearing what Zhu Yin said. It also made Ji Ning realized that the mysterious energy he was feeling was his ability. Zhu Shen looked at his sister, and calmly take in everything. He looked at her and said, "It's okay, little sister. I know you must have been scared. Thank you for sharing this with us. And I promise I will not die, and leave you in this world all alone. I will never leave you." Zhu Shen held his sister's hand and promised. Zhu Yin was glad to hear this promise. She knew that her brother rarely made promises, and whenever he did, he would always fulfill them. She hugged him, and knew she completed the first mission of saving Zhu Shen from dying. Now she only had to expose Su Ting's real face in front of Ji Ning and find her lover to complete the third wish of falling in love with someone.

After Zhu Yin told everyone that she has abilities, everyone started experimenting to see what power they have. As in the real plot, Ji Ning had metal manipulation ability. And Zhu Shen had a powerful lightning ability. There were three other people in their group. One had a water ability, the other had plant ability, and the last could control shadows. This group was powerful based in their abilities alone.

Ji Ning became the leader of the group and started giving orders, so they could leave. The closest base was a 2 day journey away on foot, and a half day journey in a car. They would take a car, but Zhu Yin worried that the roads would be too crowded. After everyone had their things, Ji Ning proposed going to a weapon shop to get some weapons. Everyone agreed and they all set out.

The closest weapon shop was 8 blocks away. Everyone was on alert when leaving and paid close attention to any zombies. So far they only saw a couple of zombies wandering around. Everyone went slowly and hid whenever a zombie was spotted. In this way, after a half an hour, they finally reached the weapons shop. Ji Ning knocked on the door to see if anyone was in there, human or zombie. After waiting for 5 minutes, when no one came, they entered inside. Zhu Yin couldn't believe their luck so far. Perhaps it could be attributed to the male lead halo.

After entering the shop, Zhu Yin saw all kinds of weapons. From handguns to machines guns, and knifes to swords. Zhu Yin especially liked the swords. She learned the martial arts skill and shooting skill. So she wanted to use guns and swords.

"My space is bigger than five foot ball fields combined. In this last week, I only filled 1/4 of the space. I should put all the weapons in the space." Everyone was surprised to hear how big Zhu Yin's space was. Ji Ning was happy they could take all the weapons. He checked the back, and saw even more weapons. Taking all these weapons ensured that Ji Ning and his group would have not have much  difficulties in surviving the apocalypse. Ji Ning agreed and asked Zhu Yin to put all the weapons inside her space except for the ones they will be using.

It tool Zhu Yin only a couple of minutes to put everything away. Zhu Yin decided to use two guns, and attached a sword to her waist also. After everything was done, they all went outside to find a good vehicle to take them to the military base.

Outside they saw a zombie and that zombie also saw then, and started rushing towards them. Ji Ning had a silencer on his gun to not attract the attention of the other zombies and accurately shot the zombie in the head. Zhu Yin knew that Ji Ning had killed before. So she was not surprised to see him show no hesitation in killing a former human. Many of the human died in the beginning is because they hesitated in delivering the killing blow. They still saw them as fellow human beings, and paid for that with their life. The people finally started to be ruthless after a few months.

The group quickly found a big vehicle to carry all if them. The guy with the plant ability drove, and the group was on their way to the military base. Zhu Yin looked outside, and thought about her lover. She wondered when she will find him. Zhu Yin felt sad thinking about her lover and forced herself to stop thinking about him. She knew that her lover will find her, she just had to wait.

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