The meeting

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It was Monday,again.Raven hated it.She got out of her bed,and headed to the bathroom,taking a short shower.Coming out,and walking to the closet,she picked up a black pair of shorts,and a red shirt.Slipping on her black sandals,and taking her bag,she locked her apartment,and headed to work.

"Hi,guys,how many clients do we have today?"asked Raven while giving her bag ,to her secrertary ,Mya.

"Well,until now,we have 4 ,the first should come in 20 minutes."the woman smiled,and left fot the third floor.On she arrived there ,she started to preapre the needls.

The hours passed,and Raven finished all the tattooes,she wanted to go home ,when Mya entred:

"Raven ,we have a new client,he don't have an appointment,"Mya,like always was scared and nervous,when something unexpected occured.

"It's ok,let him in,it's to early to go home ,anyway."Raven went after some needles ,but when she came back,she couldn't move or speak.

"Miss Madness,I see that you  are back.I thought that you were still in the hospital."said the man ,wh was leaning on the door frame.

"Cedric"Raven dropped the box full of needles.She couldn't move for some seconds.But when she she came back to her sens she started to pick them.

"What are you doing here?"asked Raven between her teeth.

"Come one,Miss Madness,it's a tattoo saloon,the best from this area.And I want a tattoo,so....."Cedric started to walk towerds her.

"Just look through these,I'll be right back"Raven gave him some catalogs and left the room,just to come back in some seconds with other needles."So what do you want?"asked the girl,while siting on a chairs near the bed."And where?"added after some seconds.

"You know,Miss Madness,surprise me.But I want it on my arm"Cedric smiled and pointed at his left arm"You know that I love surprises"

"Fine"Raven sight while starting to draw on his arm.Minutes passed and Raven ,had to change the needle.Cedric was looking at her since she started.

"You've changed.You aren't that shy, little, girl ,from back then anymore.At that time you hated tattoos but you loved drawing.And you were in love with my little brother."said Cedric out of nowhere.

"I remember,and well,this is all I can do,for doind what I like,and earning money,and about the tattoos,living in an asylum for criminals for 3 years,let on a body some marks."Raven replay without looking at him."Well,and before loving your brother,I liked you.And even  when I was with Daniel,I thought that you were a great guy."Cedric's eyes widened in surprise.He never thought that she would admit something like this.

"Can you stop moving?I want to do this right,I want to be a master piece,cause you said that you want me to surprise you,right?"said Raven with a blank face.The man remain silent.

Hours passed and she wasn't finishing it.SHe changed the needles one ater another.After 3 hours,she took of her gloves and looked at him."Let's take a break,I need one.Want some water or something else?"

"I want to smoke,and I smoke everth...."before finishing RAven gave him a pack and a litter"Here"

RAven started to smoke to,while smoking they didn't talk,they just stared at some point."OK,let's start again"In 2 hours the tattoo was ready.

Raven bandaged his arm ,after it was disinfected.

"You better don't wet this in the next week.And are you free tomorow?"asked Raven while gathering the things.

"Yeah,why do you ask,?And how much it is?"asked Cedric

"Tomorow you come here,I have to look at the tattoo.Don't need to pay,not  today.

"It's late"said Cedric while looking at the clock.i'll take you  home"

"No,I 'll be fine"said Raven while taking her bag"I won't let you alone at this hour,my bro would have killed me,for this"

After a short silence Raven's replay came"Fine"

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