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Sometimes, I'm thinking maybe sky should talk instead of people. When I look at the sky I see the endless variety of colours, words. Imagine that you'd say:
"Hi Sky. How was your day?" And she wouldn't just turn you down with something as simple as fine, good or well. Sky would use colours that are present on the Earth.
"I'm feeling like a feather that kissed the ground for the very first time."
"I'm feeling like a stone that wasn't good enough for the needs of the man."
Maybe for the second term, Sky would kiss the ground as well, just not like the feather for the very first time but as a stone that got used, a stone which wasn't good enough. And now...when you think about it...maybe just for one minute.
Would you choose the person that has no colour in his mind, his words?
Would you choose creative, colourful, friendly person whose words just scream at you: I won't judge you?

Think about it.
Make a choice.
And keep on reading.

If The Sky Could SpeakWhere stories live. Discover now