[XGaster] Tears

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XGaster x Adopted reader


the 16 years old (Y/N) sitting in her room hugging her pillow while Chara and Frisk was out having fun outside and all.

She wanted to stay home today cause she had a lot to think about. she was alone home right now, because her father is working on something with Alphys, his assistant for some reason.

after a while (Y/N) stood up and grabbed her sketchbook. even tho her dad teach her many things, she always loved to draw. Her father somewhat can read the drawings she make and comforts her. Usually.

But there are some times she can barely talk, because she have these nightmares.

About her father being crazy.

She drew all the pain she felt while she was in that nightmare. and somehow she was afraid to show it to her father. so she always tear out those pages and hide it away.

Tho he noticed that her sketchbook got thinner. Of course he notice everything.

In (Y/N)'s nightmare she always see her father, somehow hurting others, Controlling everything, yet he just smiled at her. his smile seemed sinister.

As she was drawing one of her darkest drawing of her father, she heard the front door open and close. "(Y/N), I'm home early." She heard her father from downstairs as she quickly tear out the page she was drawing on and hide it away.

Wiping away her tears she tried to fix herself as much as possible but she just couldn't bring herself to smile. so she grabbed a turtle neck sweater and put it on so it covers her mouth. She slowly walked out of her room and walked downstairs.

"Welcome home Dad" She called out seeing that he takes off his coat for once. Hearing her not so happy  voice was not much of a surprise for him and he turned around and look at her. as expected he sees her eyes a little red from crying. 

"How are you, sweaty? did you had a nightmare again?" He asks sounding worried. (Y/N) looked at him with a small smile. "I'm fine." She said ash she slowly walked over to him and hugged him tight.

He hugged her back slowly, as he noticed her flinch against his touch, He started to wonder, his glasses shines as he tilt his head then knelt down to her height. "(Y/N) Darling, you can tell me." He said stroking her cheek. She only looked away, having some doupt in her eyes.

"(Y/N)." He says her name again, trying to make her look at him.She only shook her head then took his hand. "Come on, you must be hungry." She pulled him up to his feet and pulled him to the kitchen where she made some dinner for him and the boys.

XGaster looked surprised, she actually cooked. When did she learned to cook?

All these questions was in his head, but he snapped out of it when he saw (Y/N) put a plate on the table for him and looked at him.

"Thank you (Y/N), I'm so proud of you." He smiles proudly at her, making her smiles brightly a little but then goes back to that painful smile. He sat down and started to eat quietly as (Y/N) sat down herself, but only grabbed a drink for herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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