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As Beth woke up from her slumber, she heard shuffling around outside her door. She groaned as she sat up in her very uncomfortable lumpy bed. She looked up to see Her older brother Logan. Logan Paul. Beth looked down at his hands to see him holding a plate.

"Logan?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"Yes?" He asks with a smirk.

"NOOOOO" She shrieks knowing exactly what he was going to do.

She flinches, as he throws the glass plate to the ground, sending pieces flying everywhere. She looks at him pissed, getting up, standing on the bed, and looking down at Logan, but her eyes dart to the doorway, seeing a ball of golden fluff. Kong.

"CLEAN IT UP BEFORE YOU KILL YOUR DOG DIPSHIT" She yells mad as her face goes red.

He puts his hands up as if he was surrendering and walks out taking Kong with him. He then comes back with a broom and dustpan. As he cleans it up Beth gets up and picks out an outfit from her closet. She pulls out a black champion hoodie, along with ripped jeans. She makes her way to the small washroom to get dressed for the day. 

Beth put's her hair into a high tight ponytail, and puts on some mascara and lip gloss being satisfied with her look for the day, staring at herself in the mirror, until being interrupted by her brother.  

"Beth breakfast" Logan calls out from the kitchen.

She shakes her head making her way out into the kitchen, witnessing her older brother flipping pancakes. Logan looks at her with a smile as she enters the room, turning his head back to his task of cooking. 

"Please don't burn them... again" she says chuckling under her breath, making her way over to the dining room table.  Beth pulls out a chair, taking a seat and goes on her phone scrolling through Tik Tok. 

 After a couple of minutes or so, Logan sets plate down on the table in front of her, sitting himself across from her. Beth cuts a piece of one of her pancakes and takes it into her mouth. As she chews, her eyes widen as her mouth enjoys the deliciousness some would call a pancake. Logan looks up at her, mid stop of cutting his own pancakes.

"What?" He asks confusion evident in his tone.

"These are good" She chuckles.

"So, I'm not that bad" He says with a sad expression.

"Aww I'm sorry Loggie" She chuckles, digging right into her mini stack of pancakes. 

Logan gets up being a fast eater compared to his little sister and makes his way over to the sink and washes his plate, putting it in the dishwasher. 

Kong trots his way into the kitchen right up to Logan, sitting waiting for a treat. "No Kong, no more treats. You ate half the bag last night you little sneak" he says ignoring Kong. Beth pats her leg trying to get Kong's attention, which she succeeds and Kong trots over to her and she picks him up gently. Kong barks happily, snuggling  into her lap, as Beth smiles petting the top of the dogs head. She looks up at Logan.

"Any plans today? " She asks.

"Yeah, I'm going to the why don't we boys house" He smiles.

"Why don't we?" She asks.

"Yeah, the boy band I know" He chuckles softly.

"Ohhhhhh" she says getting up and goes to wash her own plate. 

"You want to come?" Logan asks heading towards the door, slipping his shoes on. 

Beth thinks for a moment then nods "Sure, why not" she smiles as she puts her plate into the dishwasher and starts it up. 

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