Chapter 1

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TSL Chapter 1


*Letter from Edgar & Stephanie North, Baron and Baroness Middleton, to their daughter, Elizabeth Cleopatra North in her 15th year*

Dear Elizabeth,

We hope this letter finds you in good health and studying diligently at becoming a lady that we can be proud of.

Your father and I have just arrived here in Scotland a few weeks ago. We are residing in Dundee, which you should know the location of if you have been paying attention to your geography lessons. The honorable Baron Douglas has been most gracious in letting both your papa and myself stay at Claypotts Castle. The weather here is pleasant, even though I cannot say the same about the food or even the villagers. But that is no concern of yours, so I shall not say any more on the subject.

Enclosed along with this letter is a Celtic pendant that I ordered bought at the market in town. We hope you are pleased with it.

Lastly, I hope you are not being a nuisance to your Aunt Cleopatra. Convey my best wishes to her. Do not forget, Elizabeth, about your duty to marry well. It is the least we ask of you as your parents and I trust you shall not disappoint us.

                                                                                                                                                 Love, Mama.


The Cavendish Ballroom

London, 1807

"Well Lizzie my dear, I do believe it is time we made our move," Grace Parker whispered to her brunette friend, who nodded and set her almost-full flute of champagne on a passing footman's tray, and pretended to straighten her deep blue silk skirts,  while she actually reassured herself that her weapon was strapped securely to her thigh.

She had worn half the number of underskirts than were considered proper, though with the dark color of her gown, it was barely noticeable. Her hair was in a loose coif, so she could always pretend to be searching for the retiring room to fix a few pins in place. Though hopefully, she wouldn't need to use that trick anytime tonight.

The two friends watched the Lord and Lady Cavendish deep in conversation with a few close acquaintances at the far end of the ballroom, closer to the garden entrance than the hallway leading to the foyer. The couple certainly seemed carefree for someone involved in thievery, mused Elizabeth, probably because the young and dashing Earl of Winchester had graced their ball. But the man himself was nowhere to be seen. Ah, as long as she did not see Conrad with him, she did not give a whit where the scoundrel was.

"I shall see you at the orphanage tomorrow, Grace. Wish me luck. " Elizabeth said, smiling at her friend.

"I vow you do not need my wishes, Lizzie, but they are with you nonetheless," Grace replied in her usual dramatic way, making Beth chuckle before she threw their host and hostess a last look and headed towards the route that would take her to the Master bedchamber – the servant's staircase.

She tiptoed up to the first floor, stealthily making her way along the passage that lead to the master bedroom, and her 'Item of Interest' as Gracie would call it. At last she reached the door to Lord Cavendish's bedchambers, and peering discretely along the passage, she took a deep breath and opened it, praying it would not squeak.

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