10 | There'd Be No Party

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«Flynn's POV»

I had it all planned out. All this crap people were saying about Madeline had to stop. Only I could hate on her. It was free period, and we were at the pep rally. Principal O' Thomas had elected me to prepare the opening speech. And prepare, I had.

"As captain of the soccer team, I would like to welcome you all to this year's fall pep rally!" I yelled into the microphone as everybody cheered. "I'd like to clear one thing up before we continue: any rumors you hear about my good frenemy Madeline Schultz ARE NOT true. Even though she is extremely annoying, she is not a slut, and IS NOT trying to gain popularity at all. She's a good person, and you people should learn to not believe EVERYTHING you hear. Thank you."

I walked off the stage and went to go sit next to Devan-he was our goalie. I was midfield; coach said I was our key player. Soccer was my escape. I lost myself in the game while I was playing-I thought about nothing else.

"Okay, thanks Flynn," Principal took over the microphone. "Let the pep rally begin!" The cheerleaders (with the exception of Madeline, who had quit the team) began to cheer. First, the football team ran out, then us, then volleyball, and lastly women's tennis.

Devan looked at me after we finished running through the line of pom-poms and cheerleaders. "I thought you hated Madeline."

"I do," I answered.

"Then why'd you do that?" Devan asked, confused.

"She's my FRENEMY. Right there, I was being a good friend. Only I get to hate on Madeline, so therefore I was also being a good enemy." I spewed out a bunch of random crap.

"Oh...ok," Devan believed me. Sometimes I wonder how he even got to his Junior year.

After the pep rally, Madeline came up to me and gave me a gigantic bear hug.

"Whoa, let's not get crazy now." I teased her.

"Thank you so much," She gushed. "I owe you one."

"In that case, you're going to a party with me this weekend." I said immediately.

"Why? Because there'd be no party without me?" Madeline treated my statement like a pickup line.

Which meant I needed a comeback. "Nah, you see, we needed to balance out the hotness. We don't want to overwhelm the people, so we just throw some ugliness into the equation. And that's where you come in."

"Haha, very funny."

"Flynn-is it ten now? Or eleven? Let's go with eleven!" I said.

"Cheater!" She cried.

"Whatever, I'm just playing to my strengths. So will you come to the party?"

"On one condition."

"Name it."

"Don't tell anybody about my situation at home." Madeline ordered.

"No problem," I said. "I'll pick you up Friday at eight." Then I walk over to Gaige.

"So, any progress?" He asked.

"Actually yes," I confided. "She's coming to Devan's party with me."

"Great man," He said. "I can see it in her eyes. She's starting to fall for you."

"No, I'm pretty sure she still hates me." I told him.

He muttered something that sounded a lot like, "You're blind."

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing," Gaige claimed. "Nothing at all."

"Mhmm," I said and walked over to coach, who was beckoning for me to come to him. "Yeah coach?" I asked.

"I'm proud of you for standing up for that girl." He remarked.

"Thanks," I said.

"Hey, don't be late for practice tonight." Coach ordered.

"Yes, sir."

Next was English. I couldn't risk being late today, so I showed up ten minutes early. I went to sit in my normal seat, but Ms. Brutana shook her head. Great, now I had to sit next to Madeline.

"Ew, it's you again," She said once I sat down.

"The feeling's mutual." Bring it on.

A/N: So they're gonna party it up...what do you think is going to happen?!? Leave a comment and the one I like the best will earn a dedication :)

and the cover to the side is also made by @toublerones but im not using it bc i imagined madeline with long hair, so... but thanks anyways! :)

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