Chapter 5

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"Go up the stairs." The receptionist told me as I requested for my first free session.

"What? That's it?" I asked. Well I expected him to give directions and stuff and not just a single sentence.

"Yeah. Go up or leave now." He rudely said, his eyes and hands not leaving his old dirty keyboard.

I shook my head hopelessly for how this teen acted then rolled my eyes. I sat on a dirty plastic chair, thinking.

With the place and ambiance, I don't think this is proper enough for a training class. How can participants learn and train well if it's very dirty? They'll just end up sneezing and getting allergies. And I don't think this place is even safe. I don't know whether to enroll here or not. I might even get kidnapped here and get discovered too, you know.

I sighed and finally made a decision. If someone comes in here within a minute, I'm going to enroll. If none, then I won't.

I counted a few seconds, just staring on the floor, feeling relieved and sad at the same time if someone would enter or no one. Soon, after about 57 confusing seconds, I heard the door swing open. I didn't remove my eyes from the floor. My face darkened and lit up at the same time. I'm not sure if I'm happy that I'd enroll or feel frustrated that I'd need to go to an ugly place like this.

I switched my eyes from the floor to the person who made me register to the training. The guy had neat brown hair, fair complexion, fair face as in no pimples, black heads, mustache, or anything like that, and a muscular body. He wore a plain white v-neck shirt, a dog tag, 3/4 brown pants, black nike rubber shoes, and had 2 katanas placed on his back.

Guess I'm enrolling.

I went up the squeaky oak stairs slowly. I went up slowly not because I was scared, but because I'm nervous on what might be waiting for me up there.

Because of my slowness, the guy with the dogtag walked past me.

"You're really that slow?" he murmured.

"Excuse me?" I said in a loud voice.

He ignored and just continued going up.

I reached a door on top of the stairs with a dirty tired-looking guard.

I'm getting second thoughts. I'm really sure this place isn't safe. But.. But I already decided. And destiny chose for me to go enroll here, no matter what. Go in. Valencia, you won't die here.

"Excuse me ma'am? I.D or entrance pass please?" the man asked.

I showed him the entrance pass the receptionist gave me.

He opened the door for me and I entered. I'm really nervous, NOT SCARED.

I stepped inside. As soon as I saw the scene in front of me, my eyes started rolling out of its sockets and my mouth started drooling. I was in awe.

The second floor looked very high-tech. Its color-theme was blue and white. The place was air-conditioned. The tiles were white and shiny, with blue lights shining by its sides. The walls and ceiling looked that way too. There were securities here. They looked like robots with the highest form of weaponry and technology. They had white metal-like fit suits, a gun that was strapped around their shoulders which were lined with blue. Their faces were also like robots because it was covered too by the material of their suit. Only difference is they had blue lighting shades. There were two doors which were also white with blue light blinking from the corners.

This is awesome. It's very future-ful in here. At first I judged this as ugly, unsafe, dirty, and garbage-like. And now, I'm here! I see really cool walls, tiles, and people! Imagine? From a dirty room into an "into the future" room. The lobby downstairs was small too, and now, it looked very wide and large! I really can't believe that something like this is even possible. I mean, in the society nowadays, a place like this is near to impossible. I thought only we, Krenoviantz, had this kind of wealth (except for the government of course).

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