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I woke up with the sun shining through the curtains. I sat up quickly and looked at the time. It was 10:15, I was late for school. I got up and walked downstairs. I saw Mrs.Herron cooking eggs. She turned around and smiled.
"Ah you're awake, I decided to let you skip school today, you need your rest" she told me and I sighed in relief.
"Did Zach go to school?" I asked and she nodded.
"Yeah, he didn't go through what you did last night" she explained and I grabbed a glass from the cabinet.
"Feel free to have whatever you want, this is your home for now" she told me and I thanked her. I poured myself some milk and sat at the bar.
"So.... Zach's friends are coming over today for dinner, you don't have to join but you are always welcome" she said. I took a deep breath and shook my head.
"Can I just stay in my room, if that's ok with you?" I asked and she nodded.
"Of course" she replied before putting some eggs on a plate for me. I thanked her and she went into another room.
I hate eggs, but I may as well eat them. I quickly ate my breakfast before heading back upstairs. I sat on my bed and looked around. It was a pretty room, it had blue walls with white flowers painted all over it. The curtains were a similar pattern as well as the bed sheets. I was startled when I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in" I called and Mrs. Herron opened the door.
"I meant to tell you, feel free to explore anywhere in the house, just not the last door on the right, ok?" She told me.
"Of course, thank you" I answered and she smiled before walking out. I wonder what's in the last room she was talking about. I shrugged it off and my phone started buzzing. It was Ashton, so I answered.
"Calm down, what's wrong" I asked, I could hear loud noises coming from the background.
"There was a man and...."
"And what"
"He brought a gun, and h-he killed 8 students"
I went silent, I couldn't even process what I had been told.
"W-who?" I asked, my voice cracking. I heard quiet sobs coming from Ashton.
"L-Luke.... he saved me Em"
"Oh my God, Ash do I need to come and help you?"
"No...no just stay, um I'll call you in a bit yeah?"
"Yeah, call me if you need anything"
"K, bye"
He hung up and I wiped my tears away.
Then I heard screaming coming from downstairs. I got up and ran to the door and opened it. I rushed downstairs and peeked around the corner. I saw Mrs. Herron holding Zach and he was crying. I frowned and took a step forward.
"I'm glad you boys are safe" she said and I raised an eyebrow.
"Us too" I heard Jonah say. I gasped and ran back upstairs and locked my door. I face planted onto my bed and groaned. I just want no drama for one day, ONE DAY! I looked at the time, it was 6:30. Maybe I should just sleep, so I don't have to deal with the boys. I looked at my phone to see a text from Zach.
Zach🙂:hey just stay in your room, Corbyn or I will bring you up some food
Me: ok, thanks
Zach🙂: did you hear what happened?
Me: yeah, I'm glad you're safe
Zach🙂: oh... thanks
Me: bye
I put my phone down and closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.
*le time skip*
I woke up and heard whispers. I sat up and gathered my surroundings. I walked over to my door and put my ear against it.
"No, you do it"
"No, she's your sister, take it"
"Mom, I don't want to, she's insane"
"I don't care Zach"
"I'm going, I don't want to get hurt again"
"Fine whatever, I have to do everything"
I heard footsteps coming towards my door and I took a step back. I heard a knock and I opened the door. Zach was standing there with a plate full of food.
"Hey you're awake" he said and I smiled.
"Nah I'm still asleep" I replied and he chuckled. I took the plate and he came in.
"Are the boys still here?" I asked
"Uh yeah they're down stairs watching Harry Potter because Jonah forced us to watch it" he answered and I sighed.
"So you told Corbyn?" I asked and he nodded.
"Yeah he agreed to help out" he told me and I smiled.
"That's good" I said and Zach got up.
"I should be getting down there now, Uh bye" he said and I got up. He left my room and once he was out of sight, I peeped out the door. I saw his mom coming out of the room. Her lips were moving as if she was talking to someone, but she looked afraid. Wait that was the room that I wasn't allowed to go in. I was growing very curious and wanted to know more, but I couldn't. Zach seemed scared when they were talking about it too. What was in there?
He said something about his sister, but why would he be afraid of his siblings.
I shook it off and closed the door and locked it. It was now 10:30 and I went back to bed, but I couldn't sleep. I was too busy thinking about the room.
I lay there for hours and hours and couldn't sleep a wink. I also needed water, I hope the boys didn't spend the night. I opened my door slowly and tip toed out. I walked down the hall and last Zach's room. Curiosity took over me and I opened his door slightly to see all of the boys sleeping.
"Frick" I whispered and walked downstairs. I grabbed a glass and poured some water into it. I chugged it and went around the corner and ran into someone. I looked up and saw Daniel. He looked shocked but then smirked.
"Oh hey princess" he growled and tried to grab me but I started running. He chased after me and headed outside. I ran around the pool and he was on the opposite side. I pretended to look the other direction and he ran towards me. I then juked him out and ran into the house. I hid behind the corner, and thought I was safe till he jumped at me. I ran up stairs and he was right behind me. I ran down the hall and went into a random room. I took a deep breath, but the door opened and Daniel came in.
"Now where were-"
"You shouldn't be in here..." we heard a voice say. I looked at him in confusion and he looked around. He went to go back out the door but it closed on him.
"What the hell?" He said and I shrugged. Then I heard a giggle and I saw a little girl come out from under a bed.
"Mommy says I have brain problems, but I didn't believe her, then I got mad and killed our pet hamster"
"Umm that's not good little girl" Daniel said and she laughed.
"Then Zach came in and I tried to stab him, but he is stronger than me, or used to be" she told us and took a step forward. I was shaking and I moved closer to Daniel.
The girl opened a drawer and took out a old doll.
"This is my only friend, mommy says I'm not allowed to have real ones" she explained and then screamed.
"MOMMY MAKES ME ANGRY" she screamed and ripped the doll's head off. She's actually insane! I could hear Daniel's breath quickening as the little girl came closer.
"Open the door" I whispered to him.
He grabbed the door knob but it was locked.
"Dammit!" He swore and the girl looked at him.
"You can't escape, it's useless" she sneered and Daniel grabbed my hand.
"What are you doing?" I asked and he looked at me.
"I'm scared ok" he replied and I nodded. Then the door burst open and Zach appeared.
"Get out" He yelled and we ran out of that room and I tripped and fell into the hallway and Zach closed the door.
Everything went silent, I took a deep breath and started crying. Zach kneeled beside me and patted my back.
"What's wrong with her?" I asked and Daniel slide down the wall with his head in his hands.
"I'd rather not say right now" he whispered and helped me up. I walked to my room with tears running down my face. I was shaking violently and I felt like I was going to vomit. I heard a knock and the door opened. Daniel walked in and I sighed.
"Go ahead beat me up" I said and he just sat next to me. He pulled his knees to his chest.
"I'm sorry, this is all my fault, I shouldn't have been so cruel towards you" he apologized and I looked at the ceiling.
"But you were, all of you were and still are" I said and he furrowed his eyebrows.
"I feel like the worst person, I don't know what happen but I had a sudden realization of how awful I am" he told me.
"Why's that?" I asked, he turned towards me and licked his lips.
"When the girl was getting closer I was so afraid that she was gonna hurt me, and for no reason, and at that moment I realized that's how you probably feel whenever we are around, always in fear that we will hurt you and also for no reason and it really sucks now that I think about it" he explained and I nodded.
"That's exactly how it feels" I whispered.
"I'm so sorry Emma, and I promise to never hurt you again" he assured me and I smiled a little.
"Thanks, but I still don't trust you" I told him and he got up.
"I know, but I hope I can earn it" he replied.
"Hug?" He asked and I shook my head.
"I don't do hugs, sorry" I answered and he shrugged.
"You hug Ashton..."
"Yeah because I trust him" I said and he made an 'o' shake with his mouth.
"Well I guess I should go back to the boys" he said.
"Wait! Don't tell them about me being here please" I begged and he grinned.
"I won't tell a soul" he agreed and I thanked him.
"Good night" he said and walked out.
"Yeah more like bad night" I mumbled.
Then his head popped through the door way.
"I heard that" he said before disappearing again, I lay down on the bed and the images kept relaying in my mind. Why didn't they get the girl help, locking her away wouldn't help would it? It would probably make her more insane... I shook my head and agreed that Mrs. Herron knew best.
I closed my eyes and let the amazing feeling of sleep wash over me.

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