Chapter 1. Life is a Lie

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I was just walking down the street, trying to find out what was life. My dark abise for eyes started to droop. My dog, a husky, Olpeta was walking with me. We just got kicked out of my friends house. My older brother, Tom, was coming to pick me up. He said that about an hour ago. Olpeta knew something was up and wined.

"Don't worry boy. Tom will come for us." I pet him. He licked my hand and winned. We kepped walking, it starred to rain. My life started to sink down when Tom yelled at me when we were younger. It was horrible. Now, my mom and dad just died a while back and I lived with Johen. She licked me out because of my drinking problem. The scares on my wrist were my memory that said I have to keep going. No matter what. I started to cry and fell to my knees.

"Hey, Tom!" Yelled a man. His hair was like horns. His eyes were gray-brown. He was wearing a red hoody. "TOM IT'S FUCKING PORING!!!!!!" He yelled at me. I looked up at him

"I'm not fuckin' Tom. I'm his younger sister" I looked at Olpeta as he growled at the man.

"Tom has a sister?! Hah!!! You are awesome!!!!! Come on, we are going" he said. I stood up and walked past him

"I don't need you. All I need is Olpeta and a knife!" I snapped at him. He chuckled and picked me up and ran. Olpeta chasing him. "FUCKING BITCH, LET ME GO!!!!" I yelled. He ran to a house and walked in.

"TOM I HAVE YOUR SISTER!!!!!!!!" He screamed. Tom came down and looked at him. The man put me down and smiled.

"TORD THE FUCK!!!!!!!?" He yelled. Tord........ Tord is a nice name. And a cute one. Stop it Amulet!!! Tom and Tord got into a fight and tried to kill each other.

"STOPP!!!!!" I yelled. Tom and Tord stopped and looked at me. "You two are acting like children!!!!!!" Tom hugged me and sniled.

     "Sorry sis, I was going to pick you up but Commie wanted to so he did and thought you were me. I'm so sorry, I will never let him touch you ever again!" He yelled and smiled. He kissed my head and let me go.

       "Heh so Tom, who is this?" Asked a male voice. A boy from school, Cola Boi is what people called him. Edd, I smiled to see him and frowned.

       "Hello Edd!" I smiled and Olpeta jumped on Tord. Olpeta was a good watcher so he jumped off and walked to me.

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