1. An English Rose

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In a few short miles we would reach Hampton Court and I would begin my new life as a lady of the royal court. Although it seemed the carriage wheels were seeking every crack and stone on the dusty road, the rockiness of our journey did not rival the butterflies soaring in my stomach.  Tightly laced though my bodice was it was doing little to suppress their fluttering.

We were fast approaching the English court of Henry VIII where tomorrow I would assume my position as a lady of the court.  I will be one of few women at court as the poor King's wife Jane Seymour has recently departed this world after birthing the heir to the throne.  The King is said to be in deep mourning which is why I have been sent orders to arrive dressed all in black.  The dark velvet dress has been cut for this occasion and although rather somber it contrasts with my creamy skin beautifully, highlighting my youth.

Swaying slightly in the carriage beside me and looking worse for wear after our journey was my Aunt Mary of Somerfield.   An elegant woman in her 40s my Aunt prided herself in her appearance and consequently in mine. From her smile of approval when I arrived for our journey in my new gown it was obvious it pleased her.  Childless herself, after my parents passing she took to the task of raising me with surprising ease.  Striking the right balance between teacher and friend, she has raised me in her image and has high hopes for me whilst at court.

Mary is experienced in the ways of the court having been married at an early age to a knight at Henry VII's court.  She grew up touring the country with the educated and splendid court of England and learned the art of being a practiced courtier.  The many skills developed in her youth she has equipped me with so I may survive and with any luck flourish at this tumultuous court.  Mary has impressed upon me the importance of being 'an innocent delight' at court.  I must smile and entertain and be a pleasing and convivial distraction but I must never entrap myself in any scandal.

After her husband's passing she remarried an advisor of the King's youngest son, an act of good fortune for my lady Aunt as her husband is now a close confidant of the same son who is now the current King: Henry VIII.  Although retired from court herself her husband is still very much esteemed by the King and secured myself a role in court with his influence.  I have heard rumours from the chambermaids at Somerfield that the King is still in deep mourning for his late wife and is not attending to matters of state, thus making my Uncle's ability to secure my position all the more impressive.

I am eager to see if these rumours are true for myself upon my arrival at court.  Having heard many stories of the great Henry VIII for years I am keen to see if the man matches up to the myths.  Would he be the handsome and heroic 6 foot giant described by young maidens across the country? Or perhaps the petulant womaniser whom divorced his first wife only to execute his second described by many wives.

'Grace?' my lady aunt said snapping me from my wonderings.

'Look alive dear, you cannot daydream this often at court, one must be alert for every minute or you will find yourself left behind!  I don't suppose you even noticed we have arrived. Look to your left!'

And sure enough we had arrived.  Out of the narrow carriage window I could see a shadow of the great palace as the sun was setting. Only recently completed, Hampton Court is said to be one of the most impressive buildings in the kingdom and from what I could see it lived up to its world.

'Straighten your skirts and get some colour in your cheeks Grace' my aunt chided, leaning over and pinching my cheeks sharply.  'Remember you are representing your family and today more than ever it is important to make a good first impression.'

Hurrying to follow her instructions, I ignored the tornado of butterflies in my stomach and focused on my appearance.  The most important item in a woman's wardrobe is her smile and the most importance weapon in her arsenal is her wit.  Following this piece of advice from Mary I painted a dazzling smile on my face and woke up my mind.

Taking a deep breath I stepped my satin slipper out of the carriage and turned to face the palace...

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