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{Oops fuck I have 11 chapters to write in 2 days wtf am I doing ah. I'm gonna pull an all-nighter so I can get a bunch of chapters done sorry if these go downhill incredibly fast lmao}

{kay i literally wrote a whole chapter before deciding i didn't like it and restarting entirely. And I'm still not entirely happy with the outcome of this one. I don't have time for this brain ah}

"Peter Parker... You'll be paired with Isaac O'Connor for the project," the teacher announces. 

"You've gotta be kidding me," Isaac groans from across the room. He's rolling his eyes and his friends are all sending him sympathetic glances. 

Peter shrinks, pulling his shoulders closer to his body, trying to make himself invisible.

"Keep your comments to yourself, boys," the teacher glares. 

It had been almost a competition with Isaac to have the highest GPA in the grade. To his dismay, he was always losing to Peter Parker. The invisible boy who took every insult thrown in his direction without thought, without fight. 

Peter didn't care, he just enjoyed school. He was naturally smart and if he didn't understand, his mentor was always a text away and he'd be understanding the concepts in no time. 

Isaac sends a glare to Peter who shrinks further into himself somehow, ducking his gaze down to his paper.

An English project. Due next week, no class time. And he was partnered with Isaac. The guy who pushed him around and taunted him and glared at him and hit him a little too hard in gym class. 

Peter knew that if Isaac didn't care so much about grades, Peter would've been beaten to a pulp at least a few times already. But Isaac couldn't afford to have that sort of thing tainting his school records, so he stuck to sneering and insults for Peter. 

The things online were worse than anything else. Isaac could throw the worst insults at him on the internet and no one would ever know. Texts, DMs, tweets, even Instagram posts with hurtful captions were frequent. 

Isaac eventually made an entire account dedicated to just hating on Peter on Instagram. Full of him boasting about getting better marks on whatever test or just saying mean things about Peter. 

And Peter tried to ignore it. He tried so hard to ignore all the words and the messages and the insults, but it hurt. And Peter would find himself scrolling through message upon message in the dead of the night, normally on some roof in the city, mask strewn beside him, trying to quiet his choked sobs.

Because even though they're just high school boys being boys as a teacher tried to tell him when it first started, it hurt. It fucking hurt. The hate hurt Peter. 

He tried harder than anything to be a good person. To be likable. He had an adaptable personality to match others to make sure he was what people wanted him to be. He was happy. He was excitable. But somehow, everyone still hated his guts. 

And he couldn't figure out what he was doing wrong.

That afternoon, just after the bell had rung and the halls filled with students who just wanted to go home, Peter found Ned.

"You should talk to Mister Stark," Ned suggests. Like he always does. He's noticed the red-rimmed eyes, the deep circles under empty eyes, the pain masked by smiles and happiness. He's noticed the changes since Isaac had come to their school.

Peter's voice is hushed when he speaks, "I'm Spider-Man, Ned. I can't just tell Iron Man about some stupid texts."

"Texts?" Ned questions, voice higher than normal. He knew about the little shoves and the insults thrown at school. He knew about the Instagram account, but he had no idea Isaac was personally attacking his best friend through text messages.

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