Chapter Nine

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 With all the holiday festivities over, even the sober likes of Theodore and Lily were feeling a bit hungover. The kitchen had been cleaned and the holiday lights were all taken down, although the huge Christmas tree would need a bit of help. Ellen had cleaned the floors to perfection, so that there wasn't a speck of tinsel stuck to the floor. But the trip wasn't over yet- they still had New Year's to get through. Just one more week, Lux kept reminding herself. One more week. 

Ellen had decided to host another party for the infamous ball drop, this one including neighbors and friends. Lux was glad for the change of pace of the guest list. Lebellens made her nervous.

During one of the slow days between parties, Lux decided to take Blaise and Jade to the mall. Heather tagged along as well, for which Lux was thankful. She hadn't driven a car in awhile and although Heather made sharp turns, she was a hell of a lot better driver than she was.

"Don't you have a car back in France?" Heather asked as they ate together in the food court. Jade sipped loudly on her soda. 

"I have a bike," Lux answered. "A motorcycle."

Heather's jaw dropped. "Really? That's so cool! Do you use it to chase criminals and stuff?"

Lux laughed. "I have a few times. There was one time that the police department called us in to help them find a dirty cop- needed a fresh pair of eyes, and all that. Anyway, we found the guy and he took off running, and I ended up having to do the action-movie thing where you use a parked car as a ramp and-"

Heather gasped. "You didn't."

"I did," Lux confirmed. "I flew through the air and landed right in front of the poor guy. Almost gave him a heart attack."

Heather leaned her chin into her palm. "I want to hear everything about your time in France. Everything."

Lux turned to Blaise and Jade. "Why don't you two go ahead? We'll catch up later."

The two nodded and left, leaning Lux and Heather free to chat longer. 

Lux told her everything. She described what it felt like to get off the plane in Paris, the first things she did after touchdown, her first friend, who later became a detective in Paris' official police department, how she met Blaise, her first case, how she met Jade, and how they became a fully-functioning family. Heather was completely absorbed in it all.

"What a life," she breathed, shaking her head. "I wish my life was as interesting as yours."

"It will be," Lux promised. "I didn't think I could amount to much at your age either."

Heather looked down. "Yeah, but you're different," she said. "You've got guts. And I...I don't know. I don't think I could do half of the things you do. I can't even stand up to Dad."

Lux reached across the table and held her hand. "I did what I had to do to survive," she reassured her. "Just because you didn't have to do the things I did, doesn't mean you aren't strong. Strength isn't universal." Lux leaned back in her chair. "As for Dad...he's always been like that. You're eighteen. He's a grown ass adult. It's not your job to fix him at this point. But if you want to try, go ahead. I don't think anyone is too far gone to be saved."

Heather nodded. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear before speaking, "What did you...what did you say to them, before you left? Theo used to threaten them with it all the time growing up. It kept Mom and Dad from how they were for you."

"I told them not to fuck you and Theo up like they did me," Lux answered. "I told them that if I heard of anything bad going on, I would come back and finish what I started."

"What did you start?" Heather asked.

"Ruining their reputations," Lux replied. "I wasn't a wild card during my last year here for nothing."

Heather sighed. "They sure do love their reputations."

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