UniChapterEsus 1

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》America(Male:Alfred and female(14):Amelia)

》Canada (Male:Matthew and female(14):Madison?)

Step bro:





Arth:You have no idea what ive been through!

A.c.:Oh really now..*

A.c.e:Hey everyoneee!

Amel:So as you all know from the last video we will have two new STEP siblings.

Alf:its been a week since that vid though...

Matth:Yeah but!!,they had "jet lag".

Madi:Anyways!we never told you guys whats their age and gender..

Arth:And today you will know!!..Hey guys!,introduce yourselves!

Trk:Err..Im T_R_k :)

KidDeh:And Im KidDeh ^.^

Amel:Question timeee!

Arth:Twitter:From eymwat14:How's it lyk to live with A.C.E.?



Alf:Twitter:From ehemegerrd:How old are you guys?,Do you have a boyfriend/Girlfriend?

TRK: 18,and I dont have a boyfriend.

Amel:HUWAT?!,your pretty and you dont have a bf?!,WHAAAY?

TRK:Ask him.*points at KidDeh*

KidDeh:18,yep..i have a girlfriend,Well..I dont want her to have a bf,cause its gonna be a distraction to her..


Madi:Okayy,Now on instagram!,From:Ihateketchup_srsly:Whats was the worst thing that happened to you? #ketchuphater #askthenewbiesA.C.E.

TRK:I dont like your user name*chuckles*I love ketchup*chukles louder*..Umm..when i was in 7th grade*does no.7..moves eyebrows suggestively*..I got a 74/D(in PH)in science and when I almost..ALMOST..didn't take the exams..the FINAL exams!

KidDeh:She cried.


KidDeh:you guys are being racist!

Alf:Can't help it!

C.E.:*rolls eyes*

KidDeh:When she*points at TRK* had a crush on me and when i knew that she was going to be my sister.


TRK:Past is in the past okay?!

Arth:*chuckles*okay!..from ziggybiggy can you play an instrument?if you can,what is it? #askthenewbies

TRK:Hailz yeah!,I play the violin

KidDeh:Yesh!,The guitar/drums my homie.

Amel:Awsome!,From zing_ah_zingidk:rate your drawing skillz from 1-10 #ratee #askthenewbies

TRJ:Well..6!,i can only draw side.ways.and the head only.*shows drawing**sfx:oooh aaah*

KidDeh:10!*Shows drawing*

Alf:*spit take*you call that art?!..TRK's was much better! And she was honest!*rips drawing*..psh..art.

Arth:okay,Facebook!:From Rechardio Felz:Do you wear onesies?,Show us your fave!

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