chapter 3

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I push my long blonde hair off of my shoulders so it hung down my back as i glance up at the clock. Only a few minutes left of school for the day and i couldn't wait to get out of here.

When the bell rang the whole class gathered their books and stood from their chairs, beginning to make their way out of the classroom. 

I head out towards the exit, hoping that Lilly was already out side waiting. I saw her standing over near the large fountain that sat between St Marys and St Lukes.

"Hey Lil"

"Want some pretzels?" Lilly asked with a mouthful of food. 

"Just one" i grabbed a Pretzel from the packet and shoved it in my mouth savouring the salty flavour. 

I watch Zayn creep up the back of Lilly and wrap his arms around her, bringing her into a tight embrace. He whispers something in her ear and by the way she blushed i don't think i want to know what he said. 

Niall, Liam, Louis and Blake make their way over to us and i absentmindedly searched for Harry. 

"Oh, Court! i forgot to tell you that I'm going home with Zayn this afternoon so i won't be able to catch the bus with you. sorry" 

i couldn't help but feel a little annoyed even though there was nothing to be annoyed about, i just hated catching the bus alone. 

"That's okay" The boys around us made dirty jokes about the loved up pair in front of us. 

"you can come home with me if you want C" Blake nudged me with his hip.

"in your dreams Blakeyboy" I playfully nudged him back. A few months ago i would have killed for Blake to say those words to me. I used to have a big crush on him and viceversa but we knew that it would never work out so now we just have a playfull friendship. Not like Niall and I though, Niall was something different, just a boy i have known for so long that he is practically my brother. 

"Anyway my bus just pulled up so I'm gonna go" I lifted my bag onto my shoulder again giving Lilly a quick hug. 

I make my way over to the bus where people had already started lining up to get on. I wait at the back of the line patiently while the bus driver took his time to check everyone's bus pass. 

I jump when i felt a pair of hands rest on my hips and i flung around to find a pair of green orbs staring into mine. 

"let me drive you home" Harry spoke and the air from his words brushed onto my face. I stood frozen stunned at the sudden close proximity of our faces. 

He looked different since the last time i saw him. Probably because this time his face was lit up from the sunlight and not just the dim light coming from the fire. I was in awe of Harry's features, the way his curls formed around his face as the green bandana held them in place. His eyelashes were long and dark which contrasted with the light green colour of Harry's eyes. My eyes shifted from his as i watched his pink lips move up to one side after he licked them with his tongue. 

"No its okay i can catch the bus." I reply still staring at Harry's lips and my stomach whirled as he grabbed my hips again pulling me closer to him.

"so you would rather catch the bus than let me drive you in my car?" I didn't know what to say as i was fixed on Harry's beautiful features so i just stayed silent.

"Come on Courtney I'll drive you" i was released from my fixation as Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulders and ushered me towards the parking lot. 

"Harry you really don't have t-" 

"its my pleasure" Harry half whispered in my ear as he opened the passenger door to his Range Rover. 

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