Every story you read is written for one person...
What does that mean to you?
When first hearing these words i had instantly thought of my life, where I am at the moment and although progress is not linear, I still felt as if I was consistently moving backwards. Was my life in shambles? Honestly the question is heavily opinionated because what is the true meaning of shambles?
I know what you're thinking; why answer one powerful question with another ? To be truthful, I am with out an answer yet struck with countless explanations, reasoning in order to justify said queries.
For instance, One may say that a life in said shambles is that of never ending sadness, a depression. Others may take a life of shambles as one with out love or opportunity, These scenarios can only lead to my second question: What is the true meaning of shambles?
Now let's address the quote in the beginning, who do you believe this story is for? The answer is me, more specifically, the me in the future. This is my attempt at the laws of 'Cause and Effect' or speaking things into existence if you will. You see, beCause i'm speaking what I desire or seek into my future via this log it will Effect the energy in which I will put out into the world and receive. All in all, I will speak my happiness into existence through writing.
Now I understand your thoughts might not align with my own in fact, I could see why they could clash but, think about it. I am not a higher power or fate...I am me, teaching me how to believe in myself. At the end of the day, if I can not believe in myself, why should I live?
I invite you to embark on the journey that is my future with me.